Jehron Petty

Meet Jehron Petty
Hometown: Baldwin, NY
College: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Science
Year: 2020
Read more about Jehron in this recent issue of Ezra Magazine.
"As I grew academically and professionally, I began to realize how unnatural it was for me, as a black man, to achieve what I did. Interning at top tech companies, becoming a TA, starting my own companies, I very quickly realized that I was an exception," Jehron says. Given his propensity for helping others, Jehron sought out to change the narrative at Cornell. This led to the co-founding of Black Entrepreneurs in Training and leading Underrepresented Minorities in Computing to successfully address this topic for years to come.
Taking part in so many campus organizations and opportunities is one of the unique aspects of Cornell. "My friends at other schools are shocked at the variety of student-led organizations we have, and the autonomy Cornell gives us to run them. Student organizations offer us the opportunity to find our passions and grow as leaders. Although, without a doubt, the best experience is starting your own organization," says Jehron.
Jehron believes that the ways in which he has been able to get involved outside of the classroom has made him a better leader. "It has grown my network. It has increased my employability. It has shown me my strongest set of skills, and my passion areas. And, the list goes on!"
He says, "It took me a while to find my community at Cornell, but it was a combination of being patient and really wearing my personality in a way that others easily noticed. I made it easier for people who were like-minded to identify our commonalities. As I invested more time into those relationships, the community built itself. In fact, I've been living with the same 5 guys for the past 3 years!"
When asked what advice he would give to new Cornell students, Jehron said, "Please always remember why you're here. I believe that school is a great way to find your purpose, but a lot of students get distracted by the routine of their academic life or the FOMO of the social life. Have fun during your 4 years here, but please don't leave without exploring your interests and learning more about yourself."