Carley Robinson

Meet Carley Robinson
Hometown: Richmond, VA
College: College of Human Ecology
Major: Human Development
Year: 2020
Recipient of this year's Robinson-Appel Humanitarian Awards, Carley Robinson has been working with Civic Ensemble for two years and cannot wait to continue with their ReEntry Theatre Program. Their upcoming workshop of Delia Divided will be happening in May. Delia Divided is a devised work surrounding mental health and reentry.
The Robinson-Appel Award will help Civic Ensemble and Carley further the reach of the ReEntry community within Tompkins County. These stories are representative of over 100 different people within Tompkins County who have been court-involved. Continuing to tell these stories helps destigmatize mental illness and incarceration. This is her final semester at Cornell; however, this award will allow her to continue working with Civic Ensemble post-graduation. She is excited to forge her path as a storyteller and build those skills in all communities she is a part of, centering the voices of marginalized communities and empowering them to take space.