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Cornell University

Spring Housing Selection for Rising Sophomores

2025-2026 General Room Selection Application

Rising sophomore room selection will occur in April 2025, and more information will be available later this year. 

General Room Selection is the process in which students submit an application to receive a timeslot to reserve a room in an upper-level Residence Hall or House.  

All Rising Sophomores are required to live on campus for 2025-2026 and must submit a 2025-2026 General Room Selection Application via the housing portal, starting in April 2025.

Housing information sessions:

Our first Rising Sophomore Housing Selection Information Session was on Wednesday, December 4th in the Toni Morrison Hall Multipurpose Room. You can use these opportunities to learn about your options for living on campus, such as in traditional residence halls, in the West Campus House System, in a Co-op or Program House, or in University-approved affiliated housing, and ask any questions you have about the upcoming process.

  • January 22 at 7pm: In person (Toni Morrison Hall MPR)
  • February 11 at 7pm: Zoom (passcode 00000)
  • February 27 at 7pm: In person (Toni Morrison Hall MPR)
  • March 12 at 7pm: Zoom (passcode 00000)
  • April 9 at 7pm: In person (Toni Morrison Hall MPR)

Residential requirement

Rising Sophomores can fulfill the second year of the residential requirement by living in University-approved qualified second-year housing (sorority, fraternity, and approved affiliated housing). The Office of Housing & Residential Life will receive rosters from the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life and affiliated properties to ensure compliance with the residential requirement.

Rising Sophomore students who wish to be exempt from the second-year residential requirement for the 2025-2026 academic year must submit an Individual exemption request via the housing portal. Dates for exemption will be announced later this year.