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Cornell University


Welcome Landlords and Property Managers! Thank you for your continued support with the Off-Campus Living Office and our listings database. We are excited to update you with what we have been up to. 

New Contact Information: Off-Campus Living, 531 Willard Straight Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14891, (607) 254-8383, 

Our office, in conjunction with the Student Services IT (Information Technology) department, has worked to create an entirely new listing database with great features. 

  • New dynamic search pages via Google Map search or criteria search 
  • Increased security-viewers will not see contact information (email or phone) without first authenticating a Cornell University relationship 
  • Automated Certification of Compliance verification for properties within the City of Ithaca 
  • Photos and Images- Multiple photos can be added to your listing 
  • Listings can be extended from 1 to 12 months (properties within the city cannot be extended past the month the COC expires.) 
  • Listings are one flat rate of $40 per month 
  • The System has been designed to be-compatible with all major browsers and operating systems on computers, tablet and smartphones 
  • Manage your listings  
  • Activate/Inactivate
  • Verify and update Google Map location 
  • Reactivate expired listings 
  • Update property photos 

Link for the Listing Database: 

In an effort to provide better and faster services, the Off-Campus Living Office created a new business practice by which we will no longer accept cash or check as forms of payment for listings. All listings will need to be completed via the online system only. 

Notice: Properties within the City of Ithaca must have a current Certificate of Compliance with the City of Ithaca Building Department to post your listing. The system is set up to only allow listings to be paid for up the expiration date of the COC. Unlike the old system, listings do not require administrative approval to go live as the COC check is now fully automated. Listings will be searchable once they are paid for and made active by the landlord. 

If you are unsure if your property has a certificate, you can check online: City of Ithaca Building Department Property Information website, call (607) 274-6508 or email

Need help with your listing? Please email Technical Support.