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Cornell University

Project and Media Requests

Process to request photos, videos, projects, research, or news coverage in Cornell Dining and Cornell residential spaces

Please note, if you are interested in capturing photos and videos for anything but personal use, have a project or research in mind that involves Cornell facilities, or are working on news or editorial coverage about Cornell, university policies apply.

As stated on Cornell's University Relations Resources web page, Cornell University is private property. Our goal is to ensure that students, staff, faculty, and visitors on Cornell University’s campus are able to carry out their activities with a reasonable expectation of privacy and normalcy. Advance permission is required to conduct interviews, capture images or video, or record audio on university property. Recording inside buildings is not permitted without advance consent and is not allowed in private residential living areas at any time. Cornell University reserves the right to refuse permission to photograph or video record on university-owned property for any reason.

Media Requests

Media inquiries, such as an interview solicitation or request for information for an article or publication, that pertain to Cornell Dining, Conference and Event Services, and Housing and Residential Life, should be directed to Campus Life Marketing and Communications by submitting a Media Request Form so that the proper department representatives can be involved in a response. 

General Campus Filming

To request permission to film or record on campus, please review the terms and conditions, and fill out the request form.

Research or Projects with Cornell Dining

For any research or other projects involving Cornell Dining facilities or staff, please fill out the Cornell Dining research/project request form.

Projects, Photo/Video in Residential Spaces, and Residential Reports

For any research or other projects involving Housing and Residential Life facilities or staff, please fill out the Housing and Residential Life media or project request form or the report and/or data request form.

Other Requests

Want to add your promotion to the Student Service Center digital signage? This is a free service for student organizations and departments to advertise an event or important information on the Student Center digital TV signage. Images need to be in landscape orientation (16:9) and can be emailed to CC Digital Signage Request. Postering and digital signage in our buildings is reserved for Cornell and Student Organizations only.

Looking to place posters in residential spaces? Learn more at Residence Hall Postering.   


We understand that members of the Cornell community capture photos and videos on their phones of themselves, their friends, and their activities for personal use. Please be respectful of staff and other guests and their personal privacy at all times when doing so.