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Cornell University

Room Selection FAQs

For 2024-2025 Housing

How do I sign up for Housing for the 2024-2025 academic year? You may sign up any time between January 18 and February 28 by completing the 2024-2025 General Room Selection in the housing portal at Signing up for room selection does not commit you to a license or a room; it only gives you the option of participating in General Room Selection. 

Who should – and who may – sign up for Housing? Anyone who wants to have the option of living in on-campus housing next year may apply.  Current first year students, admitted in Fall of 2023 are required to submit the General Room Selection application. 

Does it matter when I sign up for Housing? You may sign up any time between 10:00am, January 18 and 11:59pm, February 28. Timeslots will not be randomly assigned in each class code until after 2pm on March 1, 2024, so there is no benefit to signing up earlier in the process rather than later. However, signing up earlier will help the housing office better understand this year’s demand for on-campus housing, and allow us to give more informed guidance to students as we head into room selection. 

Is the assigning timeslots fair? Yes. All timeslots are randomly generated within class codes by a computerized system. Individuals and every block have the same chance of getting an early timeslot within their class code as they do a later timeslot. The earlier your timeslot, the better your chances of securing your top choice housing. 

What happens if my class code is listed incorrectly? When you sign up for housing, the housing portal will show your current class code (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior) as assigned by the Registrar’s Office. If you are classified incorrectly in the housing portal, please contact the housing office immediately at or (607) 255-5368. If you do not let us know that your class code is incorrect, you will have to keep the first timeslot you receive. 

How can I find out more about my housing options? Visit Upper-level Undergraduate On Campus Housing. Navigate to the individual community webpages for full descriptions and photographs. We also encourage you to tour buildings to learn more about the different communities. 

Where can I find housing rates for 2024-2025? Final rates for 2024-2025 housing will be available in March 2024 on the Rates, Amenities & Contracts pages on  

What is General Room Selection? Are there different room selection processes? General Room Selection (March 11-13) is the online process through which most current undergraduate students will select their rooms – and their roommates/blockmates (if applicable) – in a South Campus Residence Hall, a North Campus Residence Hall or Townhouse or a West Campus House for the next academic year, and then electronically sign their housing licenses. You may only participate in General Room Selection if you have received a Room Selection timeslot by applying for housing.  

Individual community-specific room selection processes also exist for those who would like to continue residing in a Program House, in the Language House, in Veteran House or in a University-owned Co-op. These processes take place before General Room Selection (and also require signing up for Housing). 

Students participating in Greek recruitment should follow the process outline by the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life (OSFL).  Should a student be accepted into a Greek Organization, OSFL will provide the housing office with a roster of students fulfilling their second year requirement in a fraternity or sorority house. 

If I sign up for Housing, do I have to participate in General Room Selection? No. If you are unsure of your plans for next year, you should complete the application and get a Room Selection timeslot to give yourself as many options as possible. If you are selected to live in a Greek House, in the Language House, in Veteran House, or in a University Co-op, your room selection process will be handled individually by each community, and you will not need to participate in General Room Selection; simply do nothing during your timeslot. Similarly, you do not have to do anything during your timeslot if you decide not to live in on-campus housing next year.  Students who are required to live on campus and choose to not fulfill the residential requirement will be assigned to a multi-occupant room and bursar billed the double room rate for the academic year (in July for fall and in December for spring). 

When will my Room Selection timeslot be? You will receive your exact timeslot after 2:00pm on March 1, 2024 for one of the following periods:  

  • Monday, March 11, 4:00pm-9:40pm 

  • Wednesday, March 13, 4:00pm-9:40pm  


Which housing options are available during General Room Selection? During General Room Selection, you may select a room (if spaces are still available during your timeslot) in one of the South Campus Residence Halls, North Campus Residence Halls or Townhouses, Program Houses or a West Campus House.  

How many students receive each Room Selection timeslot? It depends on how many people sign up for General Room Selection. Based on our current projections, with 42 twenty-minute timeslots over the course of two evenings, we will be assigning 65 students to each timeslot.  

Can I trade Room Selection timeslots with another student? Or let another student use my timeslot if I’m not going to use it? No. Students will only be able to log in to the housing portal once their own Room Selection timeslot begins. A timeslot can only be used by the student to whom it was issued. Unused timeslots simply go unused. 

What happens during General Room Selection? At the beginning of your timeslot, go to to sign in to the housing portal and pick your room, and your roommates/blockmates if you plan to live with friends. NOTE: Please do NOT attempt to log in before your timeslot begins, or log in from more than one computer, as multiple attempts may result in system failure. Once you select a room (or rooms, if you’re blocking with friends), you will be asked to electronically accept the housing Terms and Conditions and sign your housing license. Please note that all signed housing licenses are legally binding. 

How should I prepare ahead of General Room Selection? Follow the steps listed on the Room Selection Instructions page. Before your timeslot, refer to these resources in the Housing Portal: Bed Availability Report and Floor Plans. Look carefully at all three types of documents: the Bed Availability Report, the Bed Availability by Room Report, and view Floor Plans. 

How do I live with my friends? “Blocking” allows you to live with one to five of your friends, for a total group of up to six students. When you sign up for General Room Selection, the Block page will allow you to create or join a block. Each block has one designated block leader that is responsible for assigning everyone in the block to any space within the same building. If your block consists of three or more students, at least one person in your block must be assigned to a double (i.e., two students blocking together may select two singles, but three or more students blocking together may not select all singles). 

Who can be in my block? All students must have a housing application to be eligible to join a block. Rising sophomores can only block with other rising sophomores. Rising juniors and rising seniors can only block with other rising juniors and rising seniors. To join a block, all potential roommates and blockmates must have signed up for Housing by February 28. All blocks will need to be formed by the February 28 deadline. 

How can we change a block leader if necessary? The block leader can reassign block leader responsibilities to another student in the group through the portal at any time before General Room Selection begins. 

Are you able to change blocks once you have joined? A student may remove themselves from a block via the portal through February 28. After this time, students are no longer able to remove themselves from a block to join another block. After timeslots are released, your block timeslot is your timeslot even if you do not wish to continue with that block of friends. You may only be in one block at a time. 

Can I live with someone of a different gender? Yes, you can share a room or suite with someone of a different biological sex, gender, or gender identity. When you sign up for General Room Selection, you may opt in to mixed-gender housing after viewing a video and agreeing to the rules. Note that everyone wishing to share a room or suite with someone of a different gender must opt in when signing up for General Room Selection.  

What happens if I decide that I no longer want mixed-gender housing? If you opt in to mixed-gender housing when you apply, you will be able to change your opt-in status through February 28, 2024. If you opt in to mixed-gender housing and change your mind after February 28, you must contact the to have your status changed. 

What happens if our block selects mixed-gender housing, but during General Room Selection we do not fill the suite/ double / quad / triple and there is a vacant space? That vacant space can/will be taken by another student who has also selected mixed-gender in the system. This student could be of any gender. 

Are rooms / suites pre-designated for male and female students? During General Room Selection, rooms / suites are pre-designated as male (“M”), female (“F”), or dynamic (“D”). A dynamic room / suite has its gender designation changed to male or female based on the gender of the first person who reserves a bed in the room / suite. Rooms / suites are available to any student, regardless of biological sex, gender, or gender identity, through the mixed-gender options described in the previous question. 

Which room configurations are available for blocking? Each building is a blocking section. You may block any combination of beds/rooms in a single section, but cannot block beds/rooms located in separate sections. Blocking sections will be viewable before General Room Selection through the Bed Availability Report and Bed Availability by Room Report during General Room Selection. 

When blocking with friends, can we choose all single rooms? If your group consists of three or more students, at least one room in your block must accommodate more than one person (i.e., two students blocking together may select two singles, but three or more students blocking together may not select all singles). Please keep in mind that singles are popular and go quickly during Room Selection, so there may not be any available during your timeslot. 

When blocking with friends, do we have to “fill” each of the rooms, or the suite, that we block? No. You may leave vacant beds in any room or suite, which will become available for other students to select. We do encourage you to fill it if you are able, especially if you are blocking mixed-gender. 

What if I’m not planning to live with a friend, or block with a group? You can choose a single (if any are still available during your timeslot), or choose a free bed in a partially occupied room, or choose a bed in an empty room (understanding that another student can select the remaining bed in your room). 

Can I select a free bed in a room or suite in which other beds have already been reserved? Yes. You may select any free bed that’s available to your gender during your timeslot. If blocking with friends, you may assign - or be assigned to - any free bed in the same blocking section as your friends’ beds. 

How much time do I have to choose a room? You may sign in to the housing portal as soon as your timeslot begins, or any time afterwards until General Room Selection ends (Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10:00pm). You have until the end of General Room Selection to choose your room. But once you choose your room, you must reserve your room within four minutes of choosing it, and sign your license within five minutes to confirm and reserve your room choice. Please keep in mind that every 20 minutes, a new group of students will have access to the housing portal to select their rooms, so it is to your advantage to choose your room and sign your license as early as you can. 

When do I sign my housing license? As soon as you select your room online, you must accept the Terms and Conditions and electronically sign your housing license. If you do not sign your housing contract within five minutes, the room will NOT be held for you, nor will rooms for any roommates/blockmates who you may have assigned. If you are assigned by another student, you will receive a confirmation email as soon as your block leader assigns you to a room/bed and signs his or her license. Within two hours of this email being sent, you must log in to the housing portal at to electronically sign your own housing license. If you do not, your room will NOT be held for you. Please note that all signed housing contracts are legally binding. 

Can I view the Terms and Conditions of my housing license before I sign my license? We encourage you to read the Terms and Conditions before Room Selection by visiting Rates, Amenities & Contracts. When you choose your room, you will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions (also viewable in the housing portal during General Room Selection) before signing your license. Your signature on the contract indicates knowledge and acceptance of the stipulations listed in this instructional information and in the Terms and Conditions for Single-Student Housing, Academic Year 2024-2025. 

Can I view the floor plans of buildings I’m interested in before Room Selection? Floor plans will be viewable before and during General Room Selection through the Bed Availability Reports and in the Floor Plan report in the Housing Portal. For the security of our residents, we do not post floor plans online for the general public to view. 

What happens if you run out of rooms during General Room Selection? Any student subject to the residential requirement who signs up for General Room Selection, but finds no more on-campus beds available during their timeslot (an extremely unlikely possibility) can be placed on the Guaranteed Wait List, and is guaranteed an offer of on-campus housing for 2024-2025. Those students not subject to the requirement may submit a wait list application.  We may be able to make you a housing offer (although we cannot guarantee it) as spaces become available through the spring months due to students changing their plans. While we do our best to accommodate your preferences when making housing offers, please be aware that options will be limited and you may not get your top choice. 

What if I don’t like any of the rooms left during my timeslot? If you are subject to the residential requirement and you do not select a room during general room selection and you do not hold a housing license for a Program House, University-owned Cooperative House or have not received a housing assignment from an approved sorority or fraternity or affiliated property, you will be assigned to and/or be bursar billed for housing. 

What happens if I forget to sign up for Housing? Between the close of the application (February 28, 2024 at 11:59pm) and the start of General Room Selection (March 11 at 4pm), you may email to request to have an application created for you.  Students subject to the requirement will receive a time slot for March 15. 

What happens if I’m not available during my General Room Selection timeslot? You may sign in to the housing portal to choose your room any time after your timeslot, as long as it’s before Room Selection ends (Wednesday, March 15, at 10:00pm). Or you may have a housing and residential life staff member serve as your proxy to choose your room for you during your timeslot, after which you will have 2 hours to log in to the housing portal to electronically sign your housing license. 

How does the housing Wait List work? Sign up for the housing Wait List between March 14 at 10:00am and March 20 by 12:00pm noon by visiting Please read below to find out whether you qualify for the Guaranteed or the Regular Wait List. 

Guaranteed Wait List: All students subject to the residency requirement who sign up for General Room Selection but find no more on-campus beds available during their timeslot (an extremely unlikely possibility) will be placed on the Guaranteed Wait List, and is guaranteed on-campus housing for 2024-2025. Order on the list is determined by your Room Selection timeslot. Note that you must accept the first housing offer you receive from the Office of Housing & Residential Life. 

Regular Wait List: Rising juniors and rising seniors will be placed on the Regular Wait List. At this time, we are sold out of rising junior and rising senior space for the 2024-2025 academic year. We are not able to guarantee placement. All rising juniors and rising seniors in need of housing for the 2024-2025 academic year are encouraged to look at off-campus options. 

What happens if I sign a housing license for a room, and then decide I don’t want the room? Or my plans change, and I won’t be on campus next semester/year? All housing licenses are legally binding. As a general rule, license releases will not be granted, so you will have to keep the room you chose. However, exceptions are made for students who will be studying abroad, studying in absentia, graduating, or taking a leave from the University. The Housing Contracts Office must approve all license releases. All leaves are verified by the Colleges and/or University Registrar. If you are studying abroad, studying in absentia, or taking a leave from the University next year, and you inform the Office of Housing & Residential Life of your plans by July 1, 2024, you will be released from your housing license free-of-charge. If you inform us after July 1, you will be released from your license with a cancellation fee. 

I have a disability or medical issue for which I need special accommodations. How do I apply? First, we recommend that you sign up for Housing in the event that you don’t get approved for disability/medical housing. Next, complete the registration process with Student Disability Services for special housing needs by the SDS deadline; visit for details. This process must be completed by February 1, 2024.  Rising sophomores with existing housing accommodation approvals through SDS do not need to renew or re-register unless you need to modify your accommodation. If approved for disability/medical housing, you will be offered a room to accommodate your needs. If you choose not to accept the assignment you are offered, you can decline to participate with friends in General Room Selection. Please note, if you decline, we are unable to guarantee you a space that meets your needs. 

I’m interested in living in the West Campus House System. What are my chances of securing a room – or a suite – in one of the Houses? Less than 600 West Campus House System beds will be available during General Room Selection.  With 3,500 rising sophomores, just about 20% will have a chance to secure a room in the House system during General Room Selection.  The majority of rising sophomores will live in residences on North Campus (including Toni Morrison Hall and Ganędagǫ: Hall), Program Houses and South Campus.   

What are the differences among the West Campus Houses? How many suites are available? Programmatically, the Houses are all similar in that they are faculty-led with high student engagement. Physically, each House has its own dining room, programming spaces, and accommodations for about 350 student residents (Keeton House is smaller with about 300 students). Becker House and Keeton House are each made up of a single main building. Cook House, Bethe House, and Rose House are each made up of a main building plus affiliated Gothic buildings. 

There are 152 suites spread among the new buildings on West Campus: Cook House has 16 suites; Becker House has 45 suites; Bethe House has 38 suites; Keeton House has 37 suites; and Rose House has 16 suites. The vast majority are 5-person suites with 3 singles, 1 double, a bathroom, and a sitting area, although there are also a handful of suites accommodating 4, 6, 7, and 10 students. Not all of these suites will be available during General Room Selection; many will be reserved through the Houses’ Continued Occupancy processes. 

I’m a rising junior or rising senior. What are my chances of securing on-campus housing for 2024-2025? Rising junior and rising senior housing selection occurred in Fall 2023. We are currently sold out of rising junior and senior space. We recommend all rising juniors and rising seniors to look at the off-campus market at this time. 

I’m interested in living in a University Co-op. How do I apply? First, sign up for Housing (January 18 – February 28) so your information is in our system, and because later in the process you’ll sign your Co-op housing license online. The actual application and selection process for Co-ops is handled individually through each house. To apply to a Co-op (or Co-ops), please contact the house(s) in which you have interest – contact information can be found at To learn more about the Co-ops, take part in Co-op Mosey Open House which will be held on Feb. 11, 2024 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. 

What happens if I’m not available during my Online Room Selection timeslot? You may sign in to the housing portal to choose your room any time after your timeslot, as long as it’s before Room Selection ends Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10:00pm. Or you may have a housing staff member serve as your proxy to choose your room for you during your timeslot, after which you will have 2 hours to log in to the housing portal to electronically sign your housing license. 

What is a proxy, and how do I submit a proxy request? A proxy is a person who can act in your place during Room Selection, if you are unavailable during your timeslot due to academic reasons. To submit a proxy request, you must email prior to March 8, 2024 at 9:00am. If approved, the housing office will select the best available space, based on your instructions, during your time slot. You will have two hours from the time of assignment to sign your license agreement.