Patron Information
Driving Directions & Maps
Parking is available for weekend and evening events in the Hoy Road garage and the Human Ecology Building garage, as well as various lots on campus. After 5:00 pm, and on weekends, most parking areas that are not designated for accessible parking, reserved spaces, and service vehicles are open to anyone. Please check signs to confirm that spaces are available to visitors during evening or weekend hours. There is no parking in front of Bailey Hall. The Bailey Plaza is for pedestrian traffic only.
ADA Accessibility
Patrons with limited mobility may gain access to Bailey Hall through the entrance to the lower lobby at the southwest corner of the building (to the left of the main doors as you face Bailey Hall from the plaza). There is an elevator in the lobby for patrons’ use. A small lift in the auditorium may be used to transfer guests to and from the orchestra level.There are hearing assist devices available though the Box Office. There is no charge for the use of these devices, however, some form of collateral is required during pick up to ensure the unit's safe return.
Auditorium Policies
All patrons are expected to comply with Bailey Hall Auditorium Policies.