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Cornell University

Resident Language Fellow


Information about the 2025-2026 Resident Language Fellow can be found on the Housing & Residential Life (HRL) Resident Language Fellow Position Description page. You must review Housing & Residential Life Pillars, the Language House Mission, and the eligibility requirements found within the position description prior to submitting an application.   


You must submit a 2025-2026 Resident Language Fellow (RLF) application if you are interested in a 2025 Fall – 2026 Spring RLF position. 

The target languages for the 2025-2026 academic year include: Spanish, French, Mandarin, Korean, and American Sign Language (ASL). We are current hiring for American Sign Language (ASL), though applications for other languages are welcome. 

Applications are submitted through Qualtrics. Qualtrics form can be found here.

The application will include the following questions: applicant information, eligibility questions, preferences, and short essay questions. Each short essay question should be completed in 500 words or less. Below you can preview of the short essay questions:

  • Question 1:

    As a Resident Language Fellow, you must be fluent in the language you are applying for to support other language learners.
    Briefly explain how you acquired your native/heritage speaking skills for the language for which you are applying (e.g. Did you grow up in a country where the language is the dominant/official language? Was this a dominant language within your household? Etc.) How would you apply your experience to the Resident Language Fellow position in order to support the development of others?

  • Question 2:

    As a Resident Language Fellow, you are expected to enhance the linguistic, cultural, academic, and social development of your language section through programming/activities with residents.
    Tell us about when you built connections with others to enhance their social development through programming.  What skills did you utilize? What did you learn from this experience that you would apply to the Resident Language Fellow position?

  • Question 3:

    As a Resident Language Fellow, you are in a unique position where you live in a community where you are engaging with people who may have a different understanding and/or proficiency around language and culture. 
    Tell us about when you had to adapt your teaching or communication style to meet the development needs of another. What were the need(s) and how did you assess the need(s)? What did you learn from this experience that you would apply to the Resident Language Fellow position?

Note: Submission of application does not guarantee an interview or position.  

Timeline for Resident Language Fellow (RLF) Position 

Application Open Date Priority Deadline* Application Closure Date ** 
January 31, 2025, by 5 PM EST   February 23, 2025, by 11:59 PM EST March 9, 2025, by 11:59 PM EST

* All applications will be considered if submitted by the priority deadline.
* Application consideration or submission does not guarantee an interview invite or position. 
** Applications sent after the priority deadline and by the application closure date will be considered based on departmental need.   

Interview and Status Updates 

Interview invites will be sent on a rolling basis starting March 10, 2025, and may continue into April. If an applicant is extended an interview invite, applicants will have 2-3 business days to sign up for a 45-minute virtual interview time slot upon receiving an interview invite.  Interview invites will be sent out on a rolling basis starting March 10, 2025, and may continue into the month of April. Interviews will occur Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM. Please monitor your Cornell email account regarding updates. 

Part of the interview will be held in the target language section to verify language speaking skills while the rest of the interview will be conducted in English. 

Final position status updates will be sent out on a rolling basis. Candidates will have 4 business days to accept or decline an offer. If we do not hear back from the candidate after an offer has been made, they will be removed from the selection process.

Note: An interview invite does not guarantee a position. We ask that you wait for a status update regarding interview invitations and final decisions post interviews as inquiries can further delay the process. 

Additional Information and Resources 

It is highly recommended that you speak to a representative from the Office of Financial Aid prior to applying and interviewing for the position. The remuneration for the position is room and a stipend and this may affect your personal financial aid. Information can be found on the Office of Financial Aid website.  

If you are an international student, it is recommended that you connect with the Office of Global Learning to learn about eligibility requirements. Information can be found on the Office of Global Learning website.  

If you are a graduate student, it is recommended that you connect with your Graduate School to learn about eligibility requirements. 

If you are interested in resources available to you regarding interview preparation, we encourage you to visit the Career Services website.  


If you have questions after reviewing materials for the RLF position, please email Please allow at least 3 business days for a response as we may be experiencing a high number of emails during the selection process.