Graduate Community Advisor Positions
Applications are currently being accepted for:
Graduate Community Advisor, Hasbrouck Apartment Community for Graduate and Professional Students – for 2025-2026
Application Due Date: Monday, February 10, 2025 by 11:59pm
The Graduate Community Advisor in Hasbrouck, serves as a community builder, educator, Cornell Campus and Ithaca Community Resource for an apartment community of graduate and professional students, post docs and visiting scholars, and their partners and children. The GCAs also maintain community standards and serve in an on-call capacity.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a full-time, registered graduate or professional student at Cornell University. Preference is given to graduate or professional students who have completed one year of graduate/professional study at Cornell.
Employment Expectations
- Live in assigned apartment at Hasbrouck.
- Term of appointment and housing begin on August 1, 2025. It is a year-round annual position which includes all breaks, including winter and summer. The appointment ends July 31, 2026.
- 5 hours per week; Candidates must be full-time graduate students for entire contract period and students graduating in May 2026 ARE NOT eligible to apply.
- Cannot hold another positions campus that exceed 15 hours per week which includes teaching assistantships.
- Two-bedroom apartment
- First year tipend of $7,000
To apply and to learn more, go to: GCA Application - Contract Period 2025-2026
The deadline is Monday, February 10, 2025, 11:59 p.m.