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Cornell University

PE 1609: Geocaching

A geocache in the woods

It the world's biggest treasure hunt! You might not know it but people have been hiding boxes of treasure all over the world for you to find, even in your neighborhood. Come learn to how to find their secret locations, what do do with them, and even make one of your own. This course will introduce students to a bit of map reading and use of a GPS in a natural setting. No experience is necessary. Students should come to class prepared to be outside for the entire class length.

Course FeeStudents: $235
Community: $285
CU Faculty/Staff: $275
Fee Notes*If your financial aid package has a total family contribution (TFC) under $36,000, your course fee can be reduced to $99 by filling out the Fee Waiver Application. You can find your TFC on Student Center under View Financial Aid > 2025 > Aid Offer.
AttendanceFirst class is mandatory.
Students must attend all classes to receive PE credit.
PrerequisitesNo previous experience.
Drop Deadline1/21/25
EnrollmentEnroll through Student Center or by contacting COE at 607-255-6183 or
LinksMedical Form
Sunday4/13/2510:00am to 3:00 pm
Sunday4/20//2510:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday4/27/2510:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday5/4/2510:00am to 3:00pm