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Cornell University

Residence Hall Postering

Poster Placement in Residence Halls

Postering Policy

Posters must be approved by Housing & Residential Life (HRL) staff and stamped (by individual bringing poster) before they will be posted in Residence Halls and Community Centers.  Failure to obtain proper approval before posting will result in the removal of posters and possibly: charges for cost of removal, referral/letter from the Dean of Students office, or trespassing violations, as appropriate. 

Please come to 1501 Dickson Hall (Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm) to get posters approved by an HRL staff member. You will be responsible for doing the stamping of all posters with the approval stamp provided.   

Housing and Residential Life Postering Instructions (PDF)

Housing and Residential Life Poster Placement (PDF)

Approval Process

  • Only posters from Cornell University registered organizations/departments, or non-Cornell non-profits will be approved.
  • Posters must be in our office for approval at least SEVEN days prior to the event.
  • All posters must clearly contain the name of the sponsoring organization.
  • All posters must have contact information such as: website, e-mail or phone number.
  • No posters will be approved if they are of a nature that can be considered obscene, discriminatory, libelous, promoting illegal activity, or conveying a message in conflict with the mission of Cornell University (as deemed by HRL staff). 

Posters must be approved in our office a minimum of SEVEN days prior to the event. Posters may be 6 x 9 inches, but no larger than 8 1⁄2 x 11 inches. Most of the posting will be done by our staff.

Postering Locations

For the following locations, approved posters are to be given to the Residential Life (RL) Office for the RHDs to pick up. The number of posters per building is as follows:

NORTH CAMPUS (97 total)

Balch Hall4
Barbara McClintock Hall6
Court-Kay-Bauer Hall3
Clara Dickson Hall/McLLU12
Mary Donlon Hall6
Ecology House2
Ganędagǫ: Hall7
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hall8
High Rise #5/George Jameson Hall12
Hu Shih Hall5
Latino Living Center (LLC)2
Low Rises #6 and #74
Mews Hall/Loving House2
Risley Residential College3
Toni Morrison Hall8
Townhouse Apartments3
Ujamaa Residential College3

SOUTH CAMPUS (20 total)

South Campus
(Cascadilla, McGraw, EEC, Veterans, Edgemoor, Schuyler, Sheldon Court)


For the following locations, you must deliver approved posters to the offices listed below. The number of posters is as follows:


Cook House OfficeCook House1
Becker House OfficeBecker House1
Bethe House OfficeBethe House1
Keeton House OfficeKeeton House1
Rose House OfficeRose House1

Graduate Communities (1 total)

You must deliver approved posters to the service center listed below.

Hasbrouck Service Center1

Community Centers (3 total):

RPCC Community Center: You may hang two stamped posters (one at each of the entranceway boards).

Appel Community Center: You may hang one stamped poster (to the right of the former service center).  

Dining Units:

Postering is not allowed on the doors or within any of the dining facilities.