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Cornell University

Summer PE 1622: Self- Guided Day Hiking

Interested in getting PE credit for hiking, but on your own schedule? This fully independent section of day hiking will meet once online, then subsequently participants will receive weekly suggested hikes, videos on outdoor skills, and nature information. Participants will hike independently and will log their activity. Those who have logged at least 15 hours total by the end of the summer session will receive a PE credit. Anyone may participate, even if you are not in Ithaca, although those in Ithaca will benefit from weekly suggested routes, advice, and video tours of our favorite local hiking areas.

Course FeeThere is no additional course fee for this class, however, there is a FEE PER CREDIT through the School of Continuing Education.
Fee Notes 

First class is an optional zoom meeting for anyone with questions.

Class runs from June 20th to August 1st.

PrerequisitesNo previous experience.
Drop Deadline6/1/25
EnrollmentEnroll through Student Center or by contacting COE at 607-255-6183 or
Tuesday6/24/256:00 - 7:00pm (online meeting)