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Chapter 5: Funding Guidelines & Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

Student Organization Funding Sources (visual guide)

The Primary and Supplemental Funding Sources are outlined in the Undergraduate Student Assembly Charter (all funding is from the Student Assembly/Student Activity Fee and allocated to the byline student organization). 

Primary Funding Sources

A primary funding board byline organization (composed of students partnering with a university advisor) serves as a primary funding source and governing body for a specific category of student organizations. Your funding source funds only expenses related to the organization's purpose as specified in its yearly registration. The funding source partners with Campus Activities in determining specific requirements to enable the organizations to function on campus. Requirements can be found here.

Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC)


Consultant List



Public Event Fund Application (only for SAFC-funded organizations):

  • Eligibility requirements
    • Organizations must be registered within CampusGroups
    • Undergraduate student organizations only (that are not club sports or faith-based)
    • Good standing with Campus Activities and the University

Interfaith Council at Cornell (ICC)


Consultant List


ICC Collaborative Event Funding Request can be found here

  • Eligibility requirements
    • Organizations must be registered within CampusGroups
    • Good standing with Campus Activities and the University

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission (GPSAFC)


Consultants are just members of the GPSAFC; please email the email above for questions.


  • Eligibility requirements
    • Organizations must be registered within CampusGroups
    • Good standing with Campus Activities and the University
    • Graduate & Professional organizations only

Club Sports Council (CSC)


Consultant List



Tournament/Game Fund Application (CSC-funded organizations only): tba

  • Eligibility requirements
    • Organizations must be registered within CampusGroups
    • Undergraduate student organizations only
    • Good standing with Campus Activities and the University
    • Complete all waivers and CSC training

Supplementary Funding Sources

A supplementary funding board byline organization (comprised of students partnering with a university advisor) serves as an additional funding source and programming body for qualifying student organizations and/or organizations that may fit within their mission—the funding source partners with Campus Activities in determining specific requirements to enable organizations to function on campus.

ALANA Intercultural Programming Board

CU Tonight


Application for Funding: TBA

Gender Justice Advocacy Coalition


Application for Funding: TBA

Haven: The LGBTQ Student Union

International Student Association

Departmental Funding Sources

A departmental byline is an organization (comprised of students and/or staff) that is affiliated with a university department or unit. The department or unit manages the allocated SAF funds for a specific operational reason that directly and positively impacts the undergraduate student population—the byline partners with Campus Activities to determine specific requirements to enable the organizations to function on campus.

Some of the below funding sources may not be associated with the SAF and may come directly from a department or unit.

Alumni Engagement Funding Board

Apply to the Alumni Affairs Student Engagement Committee’s Alumni Engagement Funding Board

Does your student organization or group need funding? If your student organization or group is planning an event involving alumni and would like to request funding, this is the perfect opportunity! Apply today!

Application Link:


Bartels Award

CPFB - Community Partnership Funding Board

OADI - Office of Academic and Diversity Initiatives 

Students Helping Students

Student Assembly Special Projects Fund