Chapter 8: Club Advisors

Advisors play an essential role in student organizations. Expectations for advisors are not always clear. Look at the information within this site to learn more about what it means to be a club advisor. If you still have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the Campus Activities Office staff.
The Advisor Checklist
This form aims to facilitate communication between advisors and student officers, aiding in gauging levels of involvement. As an advisor, this tool can assist you in initiating discussions about expectations with student leaders, conducting self-evaluations of your role, and offering key insights on fostering communication. This includes building trust, understanding, and engaging in team-building activities, along with celebrating achievements.
Report an Incident
Reporting, understanding, and preventing unacceptable behaviors such as bias, sexual misconduct, and hazing are essential to maintaining our caring community. This page provides avenues for reporting these incidents and receiving confidential care and support if needed.
Independent vs. University Organizations
Before agreeing to become a club advisor, it's essential to understand the difference between Cornell's Independent Organizations (EO-external) and University Organizations (IT - internal). In short, University Organizations are those groups that are affiliated with a university department or unit, and whose activities entirely relate to the education, research, and community service mission of the university and the goals of the department. A University Organization has an advisor assigned to them; the advisor has the role in their hired job description.
Role of the Advisor
The role of the advisor varies from organization to organization. If your organization is a university group, the role may be defined by the sponsoring department. However, if the organization is an independent group, it's essential to be sure your role and expectations are clear from the beginning - to both you and the students.
Advisors must be full-time faculty or staff members at the Cornell University campus where the club is located (Ithaca, NYC, Geneva, etc.). During the club registration or renewal, advisors must sign off on documents confirming their role. Included in those documents is an attestation for Clery Act.
Expectations of Advisors
Though a sponsoring department or constitution may define roles and responsibilities, it's still crucial for advisors and student leaders to be on the same page.
Policies and Procedures
From registering the organization each year to registering events on campus, to missing classes for club activities, advisors need to understand policies and procedures as they work with their student organizations. Some are pretty clear and outlined in the Campus Code of Conduct, while others may be a little more difficult to find and interpret.
Conflict Resolution and Ways to Facilitate Conversations
Advisors are often tapped to help solve concerns about club relationship dynamics. It can be difficult for students to address conflict with their peers, and understanding specific techniques and sharing those with organizational leadership could be helpful. The LARA method is an excellent resource for conflict resolution and supporting healthy discussions.
Constitutions and Bylaws
Every group is required to submit a constitution and bylaws with its registration. While there are very few requirements about what should be covered in a group's document, the advisor should be familiar with the group's constitution and bylaws and understand how they should be amended, if necessary.
For more information about club advisors, please contact Campus Activities via email, or call (607) 255-4169.
Presence at Events
Per the Office of Risk Management, as well as University Event Team (UET) policies, club advisors may be required to attend certain events or planning meetings to support student organizations, particularly for activities involving higher risk or complex logistics.