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Cornell University

Lead 1960

COE training, teaching, and leadership now qualifies through the CALS Lead 1960: Leadership Training Practicum.

We have designed this course so you can get 1 credit for all of the trainings, classes, programs and trips that you would be doing in a normal semester. For example, if you are an Odyssey Guide or a PE Instructor, FAST will now count as an assignment in this class and your trip or class is like your final project. If you are a CTLC Facilitator then your Lows Facilitator Training will count as an assignment and the programs you run will be your final. We designed the class to work with the what you are already doing while adding as little of a work load as possible. This is still an academic course however so there will be a small amount of additional course work. You will be asked to set some goals for the semester, write a short reflective paper following each training and complete a few chapters of reading on Leadership. There are no set meeting times for the course so it will not conflict with any of your other course work. Once everyone is enrolled in the course, we will find a time that works for all (probably some evening) to meet together as a group. In this meeting we will go over the syllabus and talk a little about what to expect through the semester. This will be the only time we will all meet as a large group. All other meetings after that will be done individually as check-ins throughout the semester. Again, we want to minimize adding to your current work load as much as possible. The course syllabus is attached, please feel free to give it a look, and let me know if you have any questions.

If you are interested in adding the Leadership Minor through CALS , this course will count as one of your Tier One Requirements for the Minor. If you are not interested in adding the minor then I would recommend chatting with your advisor to see if LEAD 1960 can count as an elective credit in your program or how it can fit in with your degree and graduation plan.

This course will be offered in both Fall and Spring semesters moving forward. If you are a:

PE Instructor

  • If you are a new instructor this year, it makes sense to take the credit now during your first semester teaching
  • If you are a returning instructor, you can still take the credit. It would be best if you could enroll in the fall semester. If you only teach courses in the spring, please reach out to me so we can make a plan. You can definitely still take the credit but we should make a plan about when and what would work best for your individual circumstances.

Odyssey Guide

  • If you are an Odyssey Guide who is planning to Guide a trip next year, it would be best to take the course with me next spring while you are attending your trainings and getting ready for trip.
  • If you are a guide who will not be leading a trip next year please enroll this fall and we will chat during the “first class” about how the course will look for you. We will have to modify some assignments to think about the trainings from last semester and the trip you are leading very soon.

CTLC Facilitator

  • If you are a new Facilitator going through the training this year then lets get you registered the this fall.
  • If you are a returning facilitator interested in the credit please reach out so we can decide which semester make the most sense for you to enroll.

For more information, contact Chris Bode at