Registration for Odyssey trips in 2025 are now open. You can register using this link!
Registering for Odyssey is a simple four step process. Please read this page completely before proceeding to the registration form.
Step 1:
Browse through our Trip Catalog and pick out your two favorite trip choices. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Step 2:
Carefully read through our Cancellation Policy.
Step 3: Complete the Registration Form
The online registration form is available at this link.
Please only submit a registration form once. Trippers will receive a confirmation email with their trip assignment within 3 business days* of registering. Odyssey tries very hard to give all trippers their first or second choice trip, but sometimes that is not possible.
*Please note that Odyssey is a student-run organization, and during certain times of the year, the coordinators may be delayed in confirming your registration. These dates include December 13th-21st (final exams), May 10-17 (final exams), and May 18-21 (May Training for Odyssey guides). We appreciate your patience and understanding; we will get back to you as soon as we are able!
Step 4: Complete and submit the Supplementary Forms
Odyssey requires all participants submit the following documents to the Odyssey office via this form by July 1st, and doing so secures your spot on a trip. Forms can be submitted any time after receiving your trip placement information.
- MEDICAL HISTORY - Be sure to include your insurance carrier and policy number. Please be specific when filling out this form; in case of a medical emergency, it is imperative that we have all necessary information to pass on to emergency responders and medical professionals. Barring a medical emergency, your medical information will not be shared with anyone besides the coordinators and your guides. If you would like more information on why we need a specific piece of information, please reach out to us at We will ask you to resubmit if any information is incomplete.
- PARTICIPANT WAIVER - This is a legally binding agreement. If you are under 18 years old at the time of signing, you will need a parent or guardian to sign, as well.
- EQUIPMENT RENTAL FORM (Optional) - Before receiving your assignment, you should access the Equipment Lists for the trips you would like to participate, and gain an idea of the items you do not yet have. Odyssey encourages trippers to rent gear from Cornell Outdoor Education's Outfitting Center if they do not already have it. Please complete even if you do not wish to rent gear.
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (Optional): We offer substantial financial assistance. Historically, we have been able to award financial assistance to all eligible applicants. Please submit this form as soon as you know your Cornell financial aid package to maximize funding potential. We also offer 1-2 scholarships per year in honor of late guide Oliver Schaufelberger. More details are available on the application.
If you have any questions about the registration process, email us at
Additional Information
Trippers will arrive between 11:00AM and 1:00PM on the date before their trip departs, and they may store any belongings they have at our locked, North Campus storage location. Trips will depart early the next morning. All trips will conclude the morning before the first Cornell move-in-Day, which is August 19, 2024. On the final day of the trip (August 18), participants are transported to camp-o-rama, a celebration of all Outdoor Odyssey trips. All participants and guides spend the night at camp-o-rama and return to campus the morning of August 19th. From this point, guides often help trippers check-in, get their Cornell ID, and move into their dorm. If you have questions, please consult the trip and FAQ pages. If you don't find answers there, email us at
Trip Specifics
In mid-July, all registered trippers will receive emails from their guides with further specifics on their Odyssey trip. Trippers will be called by their guides in the weeks before the trip so that any lingering questions can be answered.
In 2025, June 15th is the last date to cancel without a fee. After that, the fee charged to your bursar will depend on when you cancel. Please review our cancellation policy closely. The cancellation policy is necessary because the Outdoor Odyssey program begins to accumulate trip-related expenses shortly after the registration process. As such, we are unable to waive the cancellation fee.
If you have any problems or questions about the trip please consult the trip and FAQ pages. If you don't find answers there, email us at When possible, please direct trip-specific questions (e.g route, meals) to your guides (assigned in mid-July). However, the coordinators are happy to answer all questions before your guides are assigned, and you should always direct administrative questions (e.g financial assistance, move-in logistics) to the coordinators. Please do not register until you and your parents are fully comfortable with every detail of the trip! The registration form is not an interest form; submitting the form is equivalent to requesting a spot on an Odyssey trip, so as soon as you submit the form, you will be subject to our cancellation policy.