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Student Advisory Committee

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is a select group of 10-12 Tradition fellows who serve as ambassadors, public service organizers, a sounding board for CT staff, and social activity planners for the Tradition and its fellows. Throughout the academic year, the SAC meets for an hour each week (in addition to a Fall and Spring semester retreat) to develop and coordinate various service opportunities, faculty-student programs, social activities and other programs that benefit the approximately 500 fellows of the Cornell Tradition as well as the campus and community at large. The SAC organizes volunteers and logistics for the events they choose; these events can be past SAC-sponsored events or new service projects they are interested in. Each SACer is responsible for coordinating one service event per semester. Through their work with the SAC, members are able to meet a portion of their campus service requirement for their Tradition fellowships.

The SAC welcomes applicants from all colleges, majors, and years. All enthusiastic fellows who wish to foster the interest of Tradition members through community and campus services are encouraged to apply. New ideas about how to better reach out to the community, cultivate leadership within the Tradition, bridge new partnerships and form joint partnerships with other campus organizations, and promote the mission of the Tradition are always welcome!

See our current SAC Members for the 2024-25 academic year