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Cornell University


Nonprofits exist to address hundreds of issues of public concern. You can learn more on sites like Guidestar, where you can filter a giant directory of nonprofit organizations by subcategories like geographic area, populations they serve, or subjects they focus on. In Tompkins County alone, there are more than 500 nonprofit organizations!

As their name implies, nonprofits are not interested in making financial profit, but instead on benefitting communities. You're probably most familiar with charitable organizations that allow for tax deductible donations and focus on non-partisan issues such as education or public health and safety.

Ultimately, some people have heard stereotypes about working in non-profits. For example, you may hear that people who work in non-profits don’t get paid as much. To debunk some of these myths, check out Harvard Business Review. You may also qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which can help off-set the difference in salary from a large corporation. People who work in non-profits do so primarily because they care about the community and want to make a positive impact, but you can still find job security and financial stability.

Searching for a non-profit position is much the same as doing so in the private sector. Non-profit internships, however, are often not as widely advertised. It can be helpful to look for internships that are ongoing annual programs, but may not be well-advertised, and/or to try to generate your own internship by contacting organizations you are interested in. But how do you start?

  • This is a reliable place to begin. Search the jobs or internships sections by Functions (skill used) or Issue Areas (cause/topic of focus).
  • Search a variety of job boards. Non-profits may not have the funds to post in multiple places. Use the Resource Library labels “job board” and “non-profit” for internship opportunities.
  • Research local organizations. A simple web search can show you non-profits in the location you’d like to live over the summer. Reach out with a resume and cover letter asking if they have any positions available.
  • Conduct informational interviews. Find alumni in the industry you like, or even reach out through LinkedIn to a staff member at an interesting organization. These connections can help you learn more about work in this sector, as well as provide potential future opportunities for a position.
  • Create your own internship. If you are eligible for Federal Work Study (FWS), check out the  Community Work Study Program (year-round). You can be paid your FWS funds through working with a non-profit off-campus.

Handshake feed of currently available non-profit jobs and internships