End the Semester Strong
We’re in the homestretch, Cornell! During this time of year, taking care of yourself can sometimes take a backseat to long study sessions and cramming for final exams. Research shows though that prioritizing your physical and mental health, and finding ways to keep your stress in check, can lead to some amazing results in memorization and cognitive performance.
Support your well-being
Personal well-being, including both physical and mental health, is incredibly important for academic success. Consider these health-focused tips that could help you tackle studying with confidence, enter exams at optimal performance, and finish the semester strong.
Prioritize sleep. Getting good sleep helps improve memory, can decrease stress, and boosts energy for exam day. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Take study breaks. Research shows that taking purposeful study breaks to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus. Get outside and take a walk, enjoy a coffee with a friend. When you get back to work, you’ll be more productive.
Fuel right. Nutritious food impacts both your body and mind and is important to maintaining optimal health and supporting your academic performance. Meals during the day can also act as a nice study break, so enjoy the time you can take.
Keep stress in check. Find healthy ways to manage stress: Get outside in nature, exercise, meditate, take a coffee break with a friend, will all help you relax.
Avoid or limit alcohol. Avoiding or cutting back on alcohol can increase your focus, energy, and sleep quality - which are all important.
Meditate. You can use a free meditation app, or try “Let’s Meditate” for free guide meditation sessions offered weekdays, online and in person.
Keep your body strong
Physical activity is also critical during the exam period. It helps keep stress levels in check, supports cognitive performance, and boosts information retention. Hitting the gym or taking part in a workout class is also a great way to connect with friends and take a break from studying. Below are a few more benefits to building physical activity into your study week schedule.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety. Exercise is a natural stress-reliever that triggers endorphins, improving your mood and helping you deal with exam stress more effectively.
Increases Brain Function and Memory. Studies show that students who exercise regularly perform better on cognitive tests, have better memory retention, and are more alert during exams.
Enhances Focus and Concentration. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, which is essential for cognitive function, helping with your ability to concentrate over long time periods.
Boosts Your Immune System. Exercise promotes immune cell activity throughout the body to fight off bad germs, keeping you out of bed and in the game.
Improves Sleep Quality. A good night’s sleep can help improve your memory recall and cognitive performance, making you better prepared for exam day.
Stay Connected
Remember, it is never too late to get help if you need it. The Learning Strategies Center is available to provide study tips and helpful strategies along with connecting you to tutoring staff for additional support. And reaching out to faculty and TAs with questions you may have can help clear up last minute questions ahead of exams.
For those times when you just need to talk, Cornell Health has a variety of resources and services available if you find yourself struggling.
Looking for more easy tips to stay connected to those around you? Ask a friend to meet for a walk, grab a coffee, check out Beebe Lake, visit the botanic gardens, watch the sunset on the slope, explore a building you haven’t stepped into all semester, and enjoy some comfort food from one of the dining halls on campus.
So, end the semester strong, Cornell. You got this!