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Maya Smith '24

College/School: Industrial and Labor Relations (IRL)

Major(s): Industrial and Labor Relations (IRL)

Minor(s): Law and Society; English; History; Inequality Studies

Campus Involvement: I am on the executive boards of Building Ourselves Through Sisterhood and Service, Black Ivy Pre-Law Society, Cornell University Parole Initiative, and Prison Reform and Education Project

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

The first photo I chose (above) was from my first apple fest here from Cornell that I spent with my friends. This memory sticks with me today because I love apple fest and I will never forget how much fun I had on that day. The second photo (below) I chose was a photo of me coming home from an event with friends. It was one of my last events of the spring semester and having the small festivals and attending club events really does make you a part of the larger community.

Maya Smith '24
Maya Smith '24

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

I’ve grown a lot since my first year at Cornell. I have truly learned that Cornell was really the perfect school for me, and that ILRL was the best major. My time here at Cornell has really allowed me to be more confident in myself, and the work that I am doing. I know that when I graduate, I will possess a special skill set that other people will not have that will allow me to go farther in my life.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

A core memory for me is my first in-person Slope Day. I had so much fun on this day and really liked the performer. It was really a fun time for me and my friends to be together.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

Always be who you are and stick to your morals. You can and should definitely try new things, but do not feel pressured to do anything.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

If I had to give advice to a new Cornellian, I would say stick it out, no matter how tough it gets because it’s worth it. It may not seem worth it in the moment, and it may not seem like Cornell is the right school for you, but as you go through your semester here and attend events and make friends, by the time you’re ready to graduate, you would’ve had the best four years of your life.

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