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Bianca Santos-Declet

Meet Bianca Santos-Declet

College: College of Arts & Sciences
Year: 2023
Campus Affiliations: Cog Dog Theatre Troupe, Shakespeare Troupe at Cornell, Cornell Minds Matter, Cornell Catholic, Risley Community, COVID-19 Peer Ambassadors

Why did you become an Ambassador?

I saw the impacts on COVID-19 on my close family members and friends, and I wanted to help out in any way I could on campus.

Favorite socially distanced activity?

Watching shows/YouTube with my best friend! 

What are some ways you're working to keep our campus community healthy and safe?

I have volunteered for many of the ambassador shifts, am a COVID-19 Peer Consultant, and am always wearing my mask and practicing social distancing. 

Why do you wear a mask?

I wear a mask not only to protect those close to me and myself, but to also protect the people I pass by everyday whose circumstances are unknown to me.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to everyone during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Reach out to old friends! Call people! Try new hobbies!