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Milan Taylor '24

College/School: College of Arts & Sciences

Major(s): Anthropology; Archaeology

Minor(s): LGBT Studies; Near Eastern Studies

Campus Involvement: Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship; Laidlaw Scholars; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (SFL - Multicultural Greek Fraternal Council)

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

The first photo (above) is from my first week at Cornell where I walked around Beebe lake with new friends! I took a picture in that same spot while touring Cornell as a high school senior and wanted to recreate it. The second photo (below) is of me in front of my installation in Hartell Gallery for the Cornell Council of the Arts Freedom of Expression exhibition. I chose these photos because the first one represents my being timid to explore a new environment, while the second one shows me taking up space and confidently trying new things.

Milan Taylor at the Cornell Council of the Arts Freedom of Expression exhibition
Milan Taylor at the Cornell Council of the Arts Freedom of Expression exhibition

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

At Cornell, I’ve grown to be creative, a confident scholar, and a great friend. In the time between when these photos were taken, I’ve explored new places around campus, Ithaca, and the world, as well as taken advantage of opportunities around campus to try new things.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

I participated in Rocky Horror Picture Show in Risley Hall for three years and loved how it became a tradition in my life! I loved dressing up in fun costumes with exaggerated makeup while singing and dancing for a large audience. I remember my first audition where I didn’t even expect to get a part and my best friend and I ended up being cast together.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

At Cornell, I’ve learned that I can be whoever I want and that I have the ability to change my life for the better at any moment.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

I would encourage new Cornellians to take classes outside of their major and don’t be afraid to take on fun minors!

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