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Laila Rahbari '24

College/School: Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR)

Major(s): Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR)

Minor(s): Law and Society; Near Eastern Studies

Campus Involvement: During my time at Cornell I have been most involved in TEDxCornell as the Speaker Curation Team Lead, the Einhorn Center for Community Engagement as the Senior Manager of Student Programs, and Cornell Bitcoin Club. I also sit on the SCL Leadership Council and Einhorn Social Justice Leadership Council. I am a Cornell Tradition Fellow and High Road Fellow.

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

This first photo (above) is a photo of me the summer after my freshman year at the Cornell High Road Fellowship summer kickoff. I am discussing my research ahead pertaining to refugees in New York state. I would go on to publish research regarding issues refugees face, and later take my research to Cornell law school to work on a UN backed project to support refugee research and development.

The second photo (below) is a photo of me at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference. This photo captures me speaking as a representative of the Einhorn Alumni Leadership Council.

These photos are meaningful to me because they show the growth of my leadership throughout my time at Cornell. The first photo was my first research opportunity and my last photo was me representing all of Cornell. It is also a reminder of all the endless possibilities for students at Cornell from your first year to your last.

Laila Rahbari at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference
Laila Rahbari at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

Throughout my time at Cornell I have grown in many different ways. I discovered unique and nuanced ways to address interpersonal issues. I have grown as a leader and found my voice, and I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

One core memory that I have from my time at Cornell would be hosting my first TEDx Conference. I am a member of TEDx Cornell, the University's student-run TEDx conference. I will never forget stepping into Call Auditorium the day of the conference and seeing the TEDx letters on stage, thinking that I am a part of something bigger than myself.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

One valuable lesson I've learned from my extracurricular experiences at Cornell is the significance of treating everyone with kindness, compassion, and an open mind. Engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds beyond my immediate community has underscored the importance of sharing experiences with those who may differ from me.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

Try new things, don't be afraid to go to events and meet new people. Welcome change and go outside your comfort zone!

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