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Cornell Tradition Graduation SeniorsCornell Tradition Graduation Seniors
First Name Last Name NetID College Major
Erica Aduasare eoa9 Agriculture and Life Sciences Global & Public Health Sciences
Farzan Hussainzada ah722 Agriculture and Life Sciences Global Development
Jade Lo jcl348 Agriculture and Life Sciences Animal Science
Nicholas Maggard nm557 Agriculture and Life Sciences Information Science
Praise Makinde pim23 Agriculture and Life Sciences communication
Ammy Medina-Centeno axm4 Agriculture and Life Sciences Animal Science
Badyn Milstein-Touesnard bmm98 Agriculture and Life Sciences Environmental Engineering
Quintin Pezzino qcp2 Agriculture and Life Sciences Plant Sciences
Christopher Rivera cbb78 Agriculture and Life Sciences E&S
Anne Stewart aes369 Agriculture and Life Sciences Environmental Engineering
Hudson Tumey htt23 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biological Engineering
Aidan Ainslie ata59 Agriculture and Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Studies
Sven van Hoesel sev45 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biological Sciences
Elan Youngstrom ecy28 Agriculture and Life Sciences Environment and Sustainability Sciences
Cassidy Beard clb347 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biological Sciences
Logan Bonn lb747 Agriculture and Life Sciences Global Development
Mahnoor Cheema mbc88 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biological Sciences
Aubree Domagala ad783 Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication
Melissa Eckert mae98 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biometry & Statistics
Ava Glowney arg259 Agriculture and Life Sciences Biometry and Statistics
Anna Hooper ajh323 Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication
Isabella Bettencourt itb22 Architecture, Art and Planning Architecture
Julian Cardoso jc3462 Architecture, Art and Planning ARCH-BAR
Havily Nwakuche ahn23 Architecture, Art and Planning Art
Osama Awadalla oa228 Arts and Sciences Statistical Science
Ming DeMers mtd64 Arts and Sciences Information Science, Systems and Technology
Kaitlin Deshotel ked99 Arts and Sciences Biology and Society
Asi Diakite ad766 Arts and Sciences Government
Melanie Duru mcd237 Arts and Sciences Biology & Society
Amanda Guardado ag952 Arts and Sciences Biological Sciences
Johanna Jung jj425 Arts and Sciences Information Science
Melika Khoshneviszadeh mhk222 Arts and Sciences Information Science
Jennifer Kim jjk358 Arts and Sciences Mathematics
Tenzin Kunsang tk489 Arts and Sciences Biology & Society
Maria Lima Valdez ml2297 Arts and Sciences Government
Mariana Meriles mdm359 Arts and Sciences English
Brianna Monegro bm539 Arts and Sciences Biology & Society
Yousuf Qaum yaq2 Arts and Sciences Statistical Science
Isabella Riano iar23 Arts and Sciences American Studies
Krupa Sekhar kcs76 Arts and Sciences Computer Science
Jada Vail jlv93 Arts and Sciences Physics
Owen Wetherbee ocw6 Arts and Sciences Physics
Samantha Lambourne sjl338 Brooks School of Public Policy Public Policy
John Joshua Bernardino jjb398 Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Applied Economics and Management
Mikhail Essa me379 Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Applied Economics and Management
Mustafa Mir mm2567 Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management AEM
Nneoma Udoyeh nsu6 Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Applied Economics and Management
Emma Brown emb384 Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Allen Chen ac2324 Engineering Computer Science
Eugene Choi ec727 Engineering Computer Science
Michael Constant mjc456 Engineering Chemical Engineering
Emily D’Angelo ed439 Engineering Biomedical
Mark Edwards mve23 Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Gabriella Elcsics gme35 Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Peyton Lancaster pjl238 Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Anthony Lewis all266 Engineering ISST