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Emma Braff '24

College/School: Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR)

Major(s): Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) 

Minor(s): Business; Spanish

Campus Involvement: Cornell Equity Research, Cornell Dining, ILR Global Scholars (distinction), Cornell Hillel, ILR-URV Exchange Program

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

I chose the freshman year photo (above) because it was one of the few moments where I was outside without wearing a COVID-19 mask, and it was the first professional headshot that I had ever taken. I had recently thrifted the blazer I was wearing, and was new to the world of business, professional clubs, and networking. I had a lot of uncertainty about what area of business I wanted to enter and where my place at Cornell would be. 

Since then, I have established roots in the Cornell business community, as well as many other communities. My senior photo (below) reflects the confidence that I have gained, as I continue to share my experiences and know-how with underclassmen and look forward to entering the finance industry. I've grown a lot since those freshman days of quarantine and weekly COVID testing, and I am so excited to continue my journey as a Cornell alumna.

Emma Braff senior headshot
Emma Braff '24

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

Although I was absolutely thrilled to be studying in-person at Cornell, 2020 was still an isolating year for many people. Most clubs were operating exclusively online, and as freshmen, we had to find new and creative ways to make friends. Interviews for clubs and internships alike took place on Zoom, and so my first interactions with much of my Cornell community were virtual. 

Since then, I have branched out into different communities, exploring not only professional studies, but also languages, travel opportunities, spiritual spaces, and fun activities like dancing. I also grew as an employee with Cornell Dining. I started by serving food in the busiest dining hall at the time—Robert Purcell Marketplace Eatery. I have since worked up to creating innovative employee appreciation programming and other communications as a Brand Ambassador, and I love giving back to student employees who balance their work schedules on top of many academic obligations. It's surreal how much has changed in four years, and I am looking forward to making the most of my last few weeks as a student here at Cornell.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

A core memory that I'll always have from my time at Cornell is walking down the slope at night while on my way home after a long day on campus. It's often very quiet and peaceful, and you can easily see so many stars. I saw my first shooting star here. Coming from New York City, I have really appreciated having these moments of contemplation in nature.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

My experiences at Cornell have introduced me to diverse communities of amazing, well-rounded people. Working with Cornell Dining has shown me that I am capable of reaching my academic and professional goals while also working and giving back to my community. Studying Spanish has introduced me to new cultures and travel opportunities, and religious and spiritual life on campus has given me a space for both introspection and community service.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

I would encourage new Cornellians to explore a range of extracurriculars here, and to engage with both professional and leisurely spaces.

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