Chapter 1: Org Registration

The annual Re-registration for the 24-25 academic year runs from July 8 - October 11.
Campus Activities will share an email on July 8th with details on how to start your organization's re-registration.
Your organization must be registered to reserve spaces, use the Cornell name, request funding, and more.
To remain active on campus each academic year, all returning student organizations must go through the re-registration process. For specific questions regarding student organizations, email The Campus Activities office is happy to be a resource for any group with questions about re-registration. Those needing assistance with starting a new organization should review the New Organization Application Process (this process is closed for the 2024/2025 academic year).
In order to successfully re-register your student organization, the following pre-requisites will be needed to ensure the highest success of approval:
- Updated officers in CampusGroups
To update officers please email with the following information:
· Names of currently listed officers who should be removed
· Names of currently listed officers who should remain the same
· Names and NEW positions of currently listed officers who have had a change in positions
· Names, NetIDs, and positions of Officers who need to be addedPlease note your group must have a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Faculty/Staff Advisor at all times. Additional positions and custom titles are possible, but you must have the 4 required positions as well.
If your organization requires waivers for participation, please make sure that any new officers have filled out the waiver before their officer appointment. If you have officers listed who have not completed the waivers, your group will lose access to your funding
- Ten total club members
- An updated constitution for the group
- All websites and social media meet branding 4.10 branding policy standards
- If your organization has a national or regional affiliation, be prepared to provide a written document from that affiliated group acknowledging the relationship between your student organization and the national/regional group.
The initial re-registration form will take about 20-30 minutes to complete and needs to be completed by ONE of your group’s officers, so communicate in advance about who will do the initial re-registration form.
Once the re-registration form is complete, each Officer and Advisor must spend about 20 minutes completing an Officer/Advisor form in order for the group to be reviewed for approval. This form contains important information that officers and the advisor must review.
- Advisors will review Clery Act Reporting, compliance agreements, organization accounts agreements, and Important Policies.
- Officers will review: Sexual Violence Prevention Training, compliance agreements, organization accounts agreements, and Important Policies.
Once your group is registered for the academic year, please be sure to add all of your members to the group so CampusGroups has an accurate roster of your group members.
The deadline for re-registering existing organizations is October 11th, while September 26th, is the deadline for submitting new group registrations.
- Undergraduate organizations are "officially" registered from when their re-registration is approved until the last day of classes (throughout the academic year and must primarily host club operations, events, and activities when classes are in session). Graduate/Professional organizations are "officially" registered from when their re-registration is approved throughout the calendar year. Events, activities, and operations should pause during finals (not study days) to allow students to focus on academics.
Each group is classified as University (IT -Internal) or Independent (EO - External) and tagged with specific categories. Categories describe the style of experience the registered student organization provides.
- University (IT - Internal) - A university (IT) organization is affiliated with a university department or unit. University organizations sponsor activities that fully relate to the education, research, and/or community-service missions of the university and to the goals or objectives of the university department or unit with which they are affiliated. The department or unit acknowledges the organization as part of its activities and has assigned an employee or graduate student to advise the group and both approve and oversee the organization’s activities.
- Independent (EO - External) - Independent (EO) organizations are formed by students based on a shared interest or activity. The members of each organization adopt a constitution, select officers, and establish a meeting schedule suitable to meet the goals of the organization, as determined by its members and consistent with applicable university policies. Each independent organization is advised by volunteer staff or faculty whose duties and responsibilities, and/or university job description, does not require service as an advisor to that organization. Advisors work with organizations on their own time.
Campus Activities will work with the designated representative for academic/college-affiliated organizations or another umbrella categorization.
- Vet School - Iván Solís Cruz (
- Law School - Marcella Purcell ( )
- CALS - Kyle Barnhart (
- Hotel School ( Julie Renae Connors (
- Engineering Project Teams - Lauren Stulgis (
- Johnson Graduate School of Management - Rhonda H. Velazquez (
- Johnson Graduate School of Management – EMBA Programs - Emily Magleby (
- Industrial Labor Relations (ILR) -
- Cornell Tech (NYC) - Jacqueline Klein (
- Office of Spirituality and Meaning-Making - (
- Club Sports - (
- Professional Fraternities - (
- Other colleges/schools (TBA)