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Leadership Workshop Series

Leadership Workshop Series

leadership workshop series logo

The leadership workshop series are in-person and virtual trainings for students and advisors on various topics. The series is designed to provide educational resources and development to student organizations wishing to further develop their success on campus. The series will be offered each semester with a set calendar of workshops scheduled throughout the semester. In addition, there are organization-specific trainings that some organizations will need to attend (examples include Safety Training for Club Sports, and Working with Minors Training for Public Service Center organizations.)

Additionally, if your organization is newly established, we recommend at least one officer attend each session and bring information back to the organization. 

Student and Advisor Workshops

Click here to see this semester's Leadership Workshops. While many workshops are tailored toward the student organization leader experience, we welcome any student looking to further develop their skills!

All workshops are posted within the Cornell CampusGroups calendar(link is external) and are in Cornell time EST.