Student Resources, Supporting Students

Important University Contact Information
Emergencies and Crime:
- Call 911 from any landline phone on campus
- Call Cornell Police (24/7) on the Ithaca campus at 607-255-1111 to report emergencies from a cell phone or for non-emergency assistance.
- SCL Campus Emergency Updates: for a list of current updates impacting Student & Campus Life campus spaces including Cornell Dining service, campus support resources, Cornell Health hours, fitness and recreation centers, and other student service centers on campus.
- Cornell Health (24/7): 607-255-5155
- Blue Light Escort Service: 607-255-7373, Rave App
Registrar: (607) 255-4232
Financial Aid: (607) 255-5145
Ombudsman: (607) 255-4321
Grants and Financial Assistance Programs
Cornell Grants and Scholarships: Cornell Grants are available to students with financial need, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment. The aid comes from several sources - university endowments, alumni gifts, and a general fund.
Cornell Commitment: The Cornell Tradition, Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholars, and Meinig Family Cornell National Scholars programs constitute The Cornell Commitment. These programs recognize, reward, and support a select group of students who exemplify Cornell's commitment to academic excellence, work and service, inquiry and discovery, and leadership and learning.
First Generation & Low Income Support: First-Generation & Low-Income (FGLI) student support is intended to promote identity exploration, community, advocacy and empowerment for all students who identify with the first-generation and/or low-income student experience. As a unit in the Dean of Students, Diversity and Inclusion portfolio, we aim to promote and centralize academic and social resources to remove institutional barriers to allow, such as via the Access Fund and Kessler Presidential Scholars Program, first-generation and/or low-income students to benefit from an inclusive and transformational educational experience.
Cornell Food Pantry: Free, confidential access to food and personal care items is available to Cornell undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Cornell staff and faculty.
Well-being Resources
Care and Crisis Services: Care & Crisis Services offers programs and services that encourage each student to develop skills and qualities for personal and academic growth and well-being. We aim to help students thrive in, and contribute to, a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community at Cornell and beyond.
Cornell Health: Medical and mental health services for students on Cornell's Ithaca campus. Our 200+ staff member serve more than 80% of Cornell's undergraduate, graduate, and professional students every year. We also support the health and well-being of the entire campus community through services for Cornell employees and other individuals, and campus-wide health initiatives and campaigns.
NatureRX: A dynamic and growing movement, represented by numerous individuals and units at the university, who have come together with a shared passion for the ways in which the natural beauty of our campus can positively impact every person's well-being. Multiple studies have concluded that spending even a few hours each week in nature can improve mood, cognitive ability, alertness, ability to concentrate, social connection and overall sense of well-being. All students would benefit from spending even a few hours each week exploring the great natural beauty of the Cornell campus.
Cornell Outdoor Education: COE is the largest collegiate Outdoor Education program in the country, with over 200,000 enrollments since our founding in 1972. These participants have made lasting friends, gained life-long skills in everything from leadership and communication to tree climbing and Wilderness First Aid. And in the process, they’ve boosted their confidence and compassion for others – all while having fun!
Diversity & Inclusion: The Diversity & Inclusion portfolio within the Dean of Students Office is comprised of identity-based centers and offices that support and empower students from historically marginalized backgrounds while also providing all Cornell community members with opportunities to deepen their understanding of racial justice and equity, expand their allyship skills, engage in dialogue across difference, and be a part of the movement for positive social change.
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS): a newly formed office under the Vice President for Student & Campus Life responsible for engaging with our community about the values and expectations of all Cornell students. The OSCCS replaced the Office of the Judicial Administrator on July 1, 2021.
Student Employment & Career
Do you know students looking for a chance to build their resume, strengthen their personal and professional skills, and contribute to Cornell, all while earning money at the same time? Cornell has many student job and internship opportunities that range in hours, space, tasks and focus - from office support to retail to academic support to recreational services, and many in between.
Student & Campus Life is the university's largest employer. Most departments hire students at the beginning of the academic year. Check out the Student Employment website for specific job postings.
New Student Employees
The following student staff members either recently joined the SCL team or were promoted to new positions within our division. Please take a moment to welcome them and send a note of congratulations!
- Abigail Nicole Grizancic, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Adrián Cardona Young, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Afsheen Alvi, Student Food/Hosp Asst I
- Aiden Joseph Dudley, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Akhilesh Kasireddy Venkata, Student Food/Hosp Asst I
- Alana Pujols, Student Food/Hosp Asst I(SCL-DIN Risley)
- Alex Jarett Judd, SDS Student Acad Serv Asst I
- Alison Michelle Mendel, Student Admin Asst II (PHONING)
- Amber Daniela Arquilevich, Student ACC Tutor - IYB
- Ami Kokui Tamakloe, Student Research/Field/Lab Asst IV
- Ana Celeste Carpenter, Student Kitchen Manager Assistant
- Anthony Angel Simenoff, Student Food/Hosp Asst I
- Arlene Patricia Rodriguez, ILR Peer Mentor (Mancilla)
- Audrey Maria Lockett, Student Acad Serv Asst III
- Ben Sarkis Sahakian, Student Admin Asst I
- Bianca Mary Waked, Student Labor/Facil Asst I
- Bleu Sanchez, CS 1110 Consultant
- Blythe Marilyn Van Ness, Student Assistant to The History Center
- Bridget Eleanor Connolly, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Diary Bar)
- Caleb Amos Myers, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCL-DIN Becker)
- Camryn Elle Carlo, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Chris Cieciura, Student Acad Serv Asst III
- Craig Jacobson-Immelt, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Goldies)
- Curtis Zion Abrams, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Davis Ryan Postell, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Divya Darshni Suresh, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Mann)
- Doriane Jill Anglade, Student Research/Lab Asst II
- Dylan James Hoell, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Emily Chuan Hong, Business Simulation Lab Asst
- Emma Rose Gordon, Student Research/Lab Asst II(Crumb)
- Emma Rose Gordon, Student Research/Lab Asst II(Crumb)
- Eric Gu, Student Athletic Serv Asst IV
- Eric Wang Zhang, Student Food/Hosp Asst I(SCLDIN- KEETON)
- Erica Kwakye, Enrollment Representative
- Erica Paige Fox, Student Labor/Facil Asst I
- Esther O Akapo, Student Commun Serv Asst II
- Evelyn Altagracia Blandino Escoboza, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Gabriel Preciado, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Habib Habib, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Helen Huilan Cheng, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Bear)
- Hrithika Bandreddy, SDS Proctor
- Ignacio Garcia Santamaria, Student Food/Hosp Asst I( SCLDIN BECKER)
- Izabelle Kwan, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Jack Mark Lenz, Student Labor/Facil Asst I(SCL-EM)
- Jacob Michael Duffles-Andrade, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Jake Robert Schiller, Student Labor/Facil Asst I(SCL-EM)
- Jawuanna Harielle McAllister, Graduate Research Assistant
- Jay Kennedy Sobers, Student Admin Asst II-OADI
- Jayden William Kgobe, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Bear Nec)
- Jenifer Bustamante, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Jenna Jolie Springer, Student Athletic Serv Asst IV
- Jesse Linden Osterfeld, Student Food/Hosp Asst I
- Joaquin Diego Rivera, Lifeguard III
- Josie Noriega, Research Assistant (Sezer)
- Josie Noriega, Research Assistant (Sezer)
- Julia Grace Forte, Student Labor/Facil Asst I
- Kaitlyn Alexis Roffman, Student Labor/Facil Asst I
- Kaitlyn Fallon DeRosa, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Mann Cafe)
- Kate Anne Thorpe, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Kaylani Joyce Williams, Student Food/Hosp Asst II
- Kelly M Lannon, Student Art/Ent Asst I
- Kimberly Paulina Rivera Cotto, Student Admin Asst IV
- Komala Raga Anupindi, Student Program Assistant for Social Justice Program Boards
- Kwame Osae Adadey, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Kyle Szeho Roth, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Lain Nelson, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Layla Parvin Abroon, Student Admin Asst I
- Leonardo Bruno Nardozzi Tonielli, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Leticia Pessoa, Student Commun Serv Asst I
- Lily Louise Blyn, (SCL-COE) Student Athletic Instructor
- Louisa Marie Weldy, Regent Server (Tipped)
- Louisa Marie Weldy, Regent Server (Tipped)
- Lucas Craig Pierce, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Max Wolf Van Fleet, Student Labor/Facil Asst I(SCL-EM)
- Mayank Subhash Agarwal, Student Food/Hosp Asst III(SCLDIN-BETHE)
- Mayank Subhash Agarwal, Student Food/Hosp Asst III(SCLDIN-BETHE)
- McKenna Jlynn Raade, Student Admin Asst II
- Melanie Chinwendu Duru, Student Food/Hosp Asst II
- Mercedes Petra Reyes, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Mikhail Spivakovsky-Gonzalez, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Barn)
- Milan Gia-Jolie Broughton, Student Research/Lab Asst I
- Ming Thomas DeMers, Research Assistant (Christy)
- Nathan Johnson Follett, Student Labor/Facil Asst I(SCL-EM)
- Nikitha Sharma, SDS Proctor
- Olivia Tirenioluwa Odukale, Student Food/Hosp Asst I(SCLDIN Okenshields)
- Prameela Sai Kottapalli, Student Acad Serv Asst III
- Prasanna Punekar, Culinary - Cook
- Praveen Kumar Srivastava, Student Acad Serv Asst IV
- Rachel Elise Reeves, Student Acad Serv Asst III
- Rebecca Grace McCabe, Student Commun Serv Asst IV
- Rohan Nandy, Student General Office & Special Projects
- Ryan Michael Pirrung, Student Admin Asst II-OADI
- Samantha A Ivey, Mac's/Terrace Food Service Worker
- Samantha Lauren Engel, Student Research/Lab Asst I
- Serena Chiang, Student Admin Asst III
- Serene Minghao Pan, Student Admin Asst I
- Serene Yuxin Wang, Teaching Assistant Grad
- Shelby Lynn Williams, Student Commun Serv Asst III
- Shuxian Jiang, Student Food/Hosp Asst I (SCLDIN Trillium)
- Sofia Ariana Vaquerano, Student Commun Serv Asst III
- Stephy Chen, Student Acad Serv Asst I
- Subahnia Hazeena Ali, SDS Student Acad Serv Asst I
- Syd Hae-Kyung Kang, Student Art/Ent Asst IV
- Tasnim Makhmudova, Student Athletic Serv Asst I
- Theodore Brian O'Kane, Statler Hotel Planning & Admin Asst
- Tommy Stephen Welch, Student Food/Hosp Asst I
- Zachary Chan, Student Library Asst II
- Ziling Liu, Student Labor/Facil Asst I(SCL-EM)
Grants and Financial Assistance Programs
Cornell Grants and Scholarships: Cornell Grants are available to students with financial need, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment. The aid comes from several sources - university endowments, alumni gifts, and a general fund.
Cornell Commitment: The Cornell Tradition, Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholars, and Meinig Family Cornell National Scholars programs constitute The Cornell Commitment. These programs recognize, reward, and support a select group of students who exemplify Cornell's commitment to academic excellence, work and service, inquiry and discovery, and leadership and learning.
First Generation & Low Income Support: First-Generation & Low-Income (FGLI) student support is intended to promote identity exploration, community, advocacy and empowerment for all students who identify with the first-generation and/or low-income student experience. As a unit in the Dean of Students, Diversity and Inclusion portfolio, we aim to promote and centralize academic and social resources to remove institutional barriers to allow, such as via the Access Fund and Kessler Presidential Scholars Program, first-generation and/or low-income students to benefit from an inclusive and transformational educational experience.
Cornell Food Pantry: Free, confidential access to food and personal care items is available to Cornell undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Cornell staff and faculty.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Student & Campus Life Student Holistic Learning priority team in the past year has created new divisional student learning outcomes, focused on belonging, well-being, and interpersonal skills.
Are we missing a great University resource? Send us an email to let us know.