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Cornell University

Helen Newman Hall

Helen Newman Hall


Helen Newman Hall was built in 1963 to house Women’s Physical Education. It has since transformed into one of the primary Recreation Centers on Campus for the entire Cornell Community. Helen Newman Hall features a Pool, two-full sized Courts for Basketball/Volleyball/Badminton, a classroom and a dance studio where many Group Fitness classesPhysical Education classes, and club practices are held, a 16-lane Bowling Center and a Fitness Center. Helen Newman is also the home to the majority of the Recreational Services Administration Offices.

Some recreational opportunities require a membership.

Building Hours

Regular Semester Hours Starting Tuesday, January 21WeekdaysWeekends
Helen Newman Hall6am - 11pm10am - 11pm
March 24, 2025 - March 30, 2025Monday - ThursdayFridayWeekend
Helen Newman Hall6am - 11pm6am - 10pm10am - 6pm
Spring Break: March 31 - April 6Monday - FridayWeekend
Helen Newman Hall6am - 8pm10am - 8pm

Informal Recreation Court Hours

Informal Recreation refers to the open availability of Basketball, Badminton, or Volleyball in the Helen Newman Courts to the Cornell Community. Please review the priority schedules below as the Courts can be reserved for Physical Education courses, Group Fitness classes, and Intramural Sports. Participants cannot reserve the Courts and must follow all Informal Recreation policies.

Helen Newman Hall Gymnasium Construction Notice: Please expect partial to full closures as the project continues throughout the spring semester. Hours below will be updated as information becomes available. Please check schedules before each visit or call the Helen Newman Issue Room for the most current information.
Regular Semester Priority ScheduleCourt 1 Priority: Basketball/VolleyballCourt 2 Priority: Badminton/Volleyball
MonBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Volleyball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
TueBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Badminton: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
WedBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Volleyball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
ThuBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Badminton: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
FriBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
If odd day of the month, Badminton: Open - 30 mins before building closes
If even day of the month, Volleyball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
SatBasketball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Badminton: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
SunBasketball: Open - 3:00pm*
Volleyball: 3:00pm - 5:00pm (*only if Court 2 is closed when in use by Intramural Sports)
Basketball: 5:00pm* - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Volleyball: Open - 30 mins before building closes
Closed when in use by PE (see schedule below)
Closed when in use by Intramural Sports (see schedule below)
There are rare instances when Court 1 & 2 can be unavailable without advance prior notice should there be a need to relocate any Cornell Physical Education Class or Recreation Services Program.

Courts unavailable when in use by PE & Intramural Sports:
(No closures are planned when the University is in an Academic Break period such as February Break and Spring Break. Gymnasium hours and priority schedule may be affected due to reduced hours, though.)

Spring 25 Planned Court ClosuresCourt 1Court 2
MonPE: 9:00am - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)PE: 9:00am - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
TuesPE: 8:30am - 12:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
PE: 8:30am - 12:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
WedPE: 9:00am - 10:00am (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 10:00am - 1:15pm
PE: 1:15pm - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 9:00am - 10:00am (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 10:00am - 1:15pm
PE: 1:15pm - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
ThuPE: 8:30am - 12:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
PE: 8:30am - 12:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
PE: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
FriPE: 9:00am - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)PE: 9:00am - 5:00pm (as needed by PE Tennis courses due to poor weather conditions outside starting March 12th)
SatNo planned closuresNo planned closures
SunNo planned closures

PE: 10:00am - 12:00pm

Intramurals: 3:00pm - 11:00pm, Feb 2 - May 4
No planned Intramurals closures on Feb 9, Feb 16, Mar 30, and Apr 6

Helen Newman Equipment Issue Room

The Helen Newman Issue Room is located directly in front of the entrance to the building from the ground floor. An Issue Room employee is always present in the building during operating hours. If they're not available at the Issue Room during your arrival, please wait for their return. At the Issue Room, you can request general information or checkout equipment to use until the end of the day. Some affiliation or time restrictions may apply. Equipment Checkout & Rentals


163 Cradit Farm Road
Ithaca, NY, 14850
