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Cornell University

PE 1650: Rock Climbing Technique and Training

Climber Bouldering at LCC

Technique & Training is meant for the climber who has climbing experience and is striving to reach the next level but can’t quite get there on their own. This course is designed to improve your climbing technique through climbing specific training and cross-training conditioning. You will learn how to build and implement a climbing training routine, safely and effectively use a campus board and hang board, and participate in balanced muscle development to help prevent injury and keep climbing for a lifetime!

Though this class meets once each week, it is expected that students will climb at least one other time during the week.

This course does not cover the skills necessary for lead climbing, please refer to Sport Lead Climbing.

Course FeeStudents: $325
Community: $385
CU Faculty/Staff: $375
Fee NotesFee includes climbing pass and free gear rentals for the semester.
AttendanceStudents may miss two classes and still receive PE credit.
PrerequisitesAt least 1 year of rock climbing regularly and Top Rope Belay certification at the Lindseth Climbing Center.
Drop Deadline1/21/25
EnrollmentEnroll through Student Center or by contacting COE at 607-255-6183 or

Medical Form

Lindseth Climbing Waiver

Section 1 Schedule
Friday1/31/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday2/7/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday2/14/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday2/21/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday2/28/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday3/7/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday3/14/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday3/21/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday4/11/251:25pm to 3:25pm
Friday4/18/251:25pm to 3:25pm