Spikeball Tourney Rules
- Describe it.
- All games will be played on the Arts Quad, near the Ezra Cornell statue.
- This is a team activity with eight players per team playing on the field.
- Open Rec teams will receive two additional regular season games.
- There are no playoffs or t-shirt prizes for Open Rec
- Teams will be placed in a round-robin pool play for the regular season.
- The top half from each pool will be placed into a single-elimination playoff bracket.
Officials and Staff
- On-site personnel and professional staff reserve the right to rule on situations not specified in the rulebook or IM Participant Handbook when safety and sporting behavior are involved.
- The officials have absolute control of the game. Their decision will be final and are not to be disputed by members of either team.
- Any participant that refuses to abide by Intramural Sport rules, policies, or instructions from Intramural Student and Professional Staff cannot participate and may be removed from the playing area.
- All individuals must have an active ID from Cornell University, overseen at Day Hall.
- Club Players - No team may have more than
- One (1) club player on an Open Rec team
- Two (2) club players on an Open Comp, Fraternity, or Women's team
- All individuals may play on:
- One open competitive team
- One open recreational team, and
- One single-sex team (Women's or Fraternity)
Forfeit Procedure
If a team fails to have the required number of participants at the scheduled match time, the opposing team who is present will have the following options:
- Take the win by forfeit at that time. No contest will be played.
- Give the opponent ten (10) minutes for the minimum amount of players to arrive. The following will occur if this option is chosen:
- The official game clock will start and run as scheduled.
- The team present will immediately lead 2-0 in the game on the scoreboard and scoresheet.
- Game commences once the minimum amount of players arrive and check-in with IM Staff.
- Game will immediately start with the time remaining on the running clock.
- If the opposing team is not ready to play (having the minimum number of players here and checked in) ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game time, IM Staff will declare the game a forfeit for the waiting team.
A forfeit fee of $30 will be applied to the team captain bursar account if a team forfeits. Teams with two forfeits will be removed from the league and ineligible for playoffs.
Default Procedure
A team may default a game if the team is unable to field the minimum amount of players for their scheduled game.
- Teams can default their game by contacting the IM Sports Office prior to 4:00pm the day of their game.
- Email: intramurals@cornell.edu
- Phone: (607) 255-9592
- All teams have one default per season per activity. Using a second or subsequent default will be counted as a forfeit.
- Defaults will not be rescheduled, and teams using a default will have the game count as a loss.
- A default will not be charged a forfeit fee.
General Rules
- Proper attire must be worn for intramural sport activities. Items that may not be worn during activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Head gear including hard-billed hats, visors, and bandanas with exposed knots.
- Jewelry other than nose studs and ear studs (TAPED JEWELRY is NOT acceptable)
- Casts and exposed metal braces.
- Any clothing or items that may be deemed potentially injurious or advantageous.
- Religious and medical identifications/devices must be approved by the Director of Intramural Sports prior to the contest, and must be secured.
- Director of Intramural Sports: sf487@cornell.edu
- Players bleeding or that have blood on clothing will be prohibited from participation until appropriate measured have been administrated.
Specific Rules
The official rules for Spikeball can be found by clicking the link below.
Official Spikeball Rules - spikeball.com/pages/official-rules
Sporting Behavior Points
Sporting behavior ratings will be determined by the accumulation of unsporting acts and penalties for individuals and teams during the activities' season. Any acquisition of unsporting behavior conduct fouls during a contest will be added to an individual's and team's unsporting behavior foul total for the activity's season.
The following will be in effect for the activity:
- The accumulation of TWO (2) unsporting behavior conduct fouls in a game by an individual will result in the ejection of the individual from the game, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of THREE (3) total unsporting behavior conduct fouls by an individual during an activity's season will result in the dismissal of the individual from the activity for the remainder of the season, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of FOUR (4) unsporting behavior conduct fouls by a team in a game will result in the team forfeiture of the contest, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of FIVE (5) total unsporting behavior conduct fouls by a team during an activity's season will result in the dismissal of the team from the activity for the remainder of the season, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
Accumulations of unsporting behavior conducts do not reset during playoffs.
- If an individual or team meets the prior criteria during playoffs, they will be subject to dismissal during playoffs.
Additional actions may be taken depending upon the infractions outlined in Section IX., Disciplinary Procedures, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.