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Cornell University

Intramural Sports Participant Handbook

Index for IM Sports Handbook
I. General OverviewII. Registration & Free AgencyIII. Safety & AttireIV. Medical Procedures
V. Forfeit ProceduresVI. Eligibility VII. Protest ProcedureVIII. Sporting Behavior & Conduct
IX. Disciplinary ProceduresX. Intramural FormatXI. All-Sport ChampionshipAdditional Information

Cornell University Intramural Sports derives its policies from the Student Code of Conduct, and is supported by the Office of Student Campus Life.  We reserve the right to rule on any case not specifically covered in this handbook or activity in question. The right is also reserved to put into effect and add to these policies and procedures any new rulings pertaining to Intramural Sports, unsporting behavior, fair play, and the safety of the participants that will lead to the enhancement of the event or activity and the program’s overall mission of enjoyment, fairness, and safety.

Updated 08/2023

I. General Overview

Welcome to Intramural Sports!

The goal of our program is to offer a variety of activities for all skill levels established in an inviting, positive, fun, and safe environment.  More than 20 leagues and tournaments are offered to the entire University community each school year. These programs will provide various structured sport opportunities to satisfy as many skill levels as possible. Contests, meets, leagues, and tournaments will be offered in various formats.

Participant Responsibilities

Schedules, registration dates, and other pertinent information will be posted on the intramural webpage and IMLeagues. It is the team captains’ and/or individual’s responsibility to check IMLeagues for upcoming events and schedule changes. No contest information will be given over the phone. Teams, including all captains, participants, fans, and spectators of the teams are responsible for following the policies and procedures as written in this handbook.  If you have questions about policies and/or clarification, please contact the Intramural Sports office by emailing Lack of policy knowledge will not be a viable excuse for violations.

Valid Cornell ID Required to Play

Per Cornell University policy, access to amenities provided by the university require an active Cornell ID card to show proof of employment/enrollment. Each player must present their Cornell ID to check in for participation at all events.

NO CORNELL ID = NO PLAY. Any questions can be directed to the Intramural Sports professional staff.

II. Registration & Free Agency

Registering a Team

All registration will be done through If registration is open, there will be a green registration button on the event page. Prior to their the close of team/activity signups, teams are required to have the minimum number of players necessary to start a game on their IMLeagues roster. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete registration through IMLeagues which will not guarantee a spot within the league. Team names must be appropriate for on-field/court use and may be changed by CUIM staff based on the following guidelines:

·        Any team name that does not encourage diversity and inclusion among the CUIM staff, and participants in IMs 

·        Any team name that is derogatory or sexual in nature or includes language that is indicative of sexual assault 

·        Team names that use racial slurs or other language that invokes racial stereotypes

·        Names that use profanity 

·        Team names that would make participants feel uncomfortable or skeptical about participating in or working with Intramural Sports

Intramural staff has full discretion when judging whether or not a name is acceptable, and all decisions regarding team names will be final.  

If a team registers and is under the minimum required number of players, the team will be placed on a waitlist until the minimum requirement is met. This will NOT automatically place the team in the league. Teams must log into IMLeagues to move their team off the waitlist and into the division they are requesting.

Registering Individual Players

Captains can invite members to their team by clicking the “Invite Members” link on their IMLeagues team page. Any invited members must accept the invitation to join the team. All intramural participants will need to create an account on to participate in intramural sports at Cornell University. Captains are encouraged to remind all players of this to ensure that players can be added to the roster properly.

Individuals signing up onsite are required to create an IMLeagues account prior to 10 am the day following their game. When they sign in a player on-site, it is the captain’s responsibility to know the eligibility of that player.

Individual and Team Registration and Fees

Space may be limited for some leagues or events. Individual and team registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration fees vary for each activity. Unless told otherwise, all teams registration fees will be charged to the captain's bursar account after the season ends.

Cash will not be accepted.  All charges/payments for teams must be made by the first Friday after the activity begins.  Failing to do so will automatically result in a bursar account charge without reversal, or suspension of team if bursar cannot be applied to the team captain (e.g. faculty/staff).

Please contact Ashley Wallace at to pay by credit card, check, or budget transfer.

Team Captains’ Meeting

Mandatory captains’ meetings will be held to discuss rules and program operations for most team sports. If a team captain or representative does not attend this meeting, the captain will be charged a $15 fee. Teams not present may also be replaced by a team on the waitlist (whose representative is present at the meeting) and the team that missed the meeting will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist (if one exists).  Teams will also lose the ability to request reschedules during playoffs (if qualified).

Captains’ Meeting will be held via Zoom. Meeting ID may be accessed on IMLeagues under the league description. Captains will be responsible for all the information within, as well as relaying the information to their teammates.

Free Agency

Looking to play but don’t have a team? Individuals may list themselves as a free agent in any number of divisions within a league. This will be visible to all members of the site. Free agents can request to join teams and the free agent can post information about themselves so teams can request to add them to the team. Free agents may also attend the captains’ meeting for the specific sport they are interested in to speak with team representatives that may be looking for players. If a free agent gets picked up by a team, that team will be the only one that the free agent will be allowed to play with for the entire season.

III. Safety & Attire

Proper attire must be worn for each activity. NFHS and NIRSA standards will be enforced. This is for your protection as well as that of other participants.

Equipment Approval

Each individual must obtain prior approval from the Director of Intramural Sports for the use of orthopedic devices essential to protect an injury, as well as any casts or wrappings. Religious and medical identifications may not hang freely for risk of injury, and must be either removed from chains or taped/sewn under the uniform. An individual will be allowed to wear religious objects if the individual provides prior notification and the item is determined to not cause injury or give an artificial advantage to the player by the Director of Intramural Sports, please email for approval. In these instances, CUIM will not provide tape for these medallions. Medical supplies will only be given out for medical situations.

Team Jerseys

Teams are strongly encouraged to wear their own color-matching jerseys with visible numbers on the back. No taped-on or pinned-on numbers are permitted. Pinnies will be available at the contest sites for teams in need

Illegal Apparel

Unless specifically defined by the activity as acceptable, the following apparel may not be worn for participation in activities:

  1. Street/dress clothes (i.e. jeans or shoes)
  2. Bare feet (except sand volleyball), sandals, work boots, crocks, or finger shoes
  3. Exposed orthopedic braces (must be covered with a sleeve)
  4. Hard-brimmed caps
  5. Metal or screw in cleats
  6. Any exposed jewelry other than small nose studs (rings, dangling or stud earrings, ropes, bracelets, piercings etc.)  Taping of jewelry is not permitted! 

Inclement Weather – Prior to Contest Time

Administrative postponements or cancellations occur when the weather or other uncontrollable factors make postponing contests necessary. If the weather is questionable, please check your email for updates from the IMLeagues account for updates. Updates will never come through the phone. Contests will be rescheduled at a later date, if possible. All decision will be made final, one hour before the first scheduled contest of the night.

Inclement Weather – Contest Time

If the field conditions support safe play, all outdoor contests will be played as scheduled. Please be prepared and dress accordingly.

In the event of lightning and/or thunder, the contest will be suspended immediately. For the safety of the participants when lightening is seen/heard or is within 7 miles of the playing surface, play will be suspended immediately and the fields will be cleared. All participants must go to their cars or seek shelter. Games will be rescheduled, if possible. 

IV. Medical Procedures

Assumption of Risk

Cornell University Recreational Services assumes no responsibility for injuries sustained during intramurals, special events, and other recreational activities. Participants have voluntarily decided to participate in this sport or activity and has knowledge of the nature and the extent of the risks. Participants are also aware that there are other risks of injury and illness, that may arise due to participation in this sport or activity and that it is not possible to specifically list every individual risk of injury.  However, knowing the material risks and reasonably anticipating, appreciating, and knowing that other injuries and even death are a possibility. It is strongly recommended that all participants have a physical examination prior to participating. Any injuries or accidents occurring during recreational activities should be reported immediately to on-duty personnel. Participants with a health issue and individuals who are on medication are encouraged to inform the Director of Intramural Sports of the specific situation.

Blood/Fluid Spill Procedures

A participant who is visibly bleeding will be immediately removed from a contest and will not be permitted back until the bleeding has stopped and the wound is covered. If any clothing is marked with or saturated in blood, the participant must change into clean clothing before returning to the contest. If a player does not have a change of clothing, they will not be able to re-enter the contest.  Therefore, players and teams are asked to bring extra clothing to their contests for such an occurrence.

  1. The Intramural Supervisor will execute all blood/fluid spill protocols.
  2. Blood on the playing surface must be properly cleaned before the contest can resume.

Loss of Consciousness/Concussion Protocol

If, during an intramural contest, a participant loses consciousness for any length of time, or show symptoms of a concussion, they will not be permitted to return to any intramural activity for the remainder of the day/night.

  1. Public Safety will automatically be called to assist in any loss of consciousness situation during an intramural activity
  2. Cornell Recreational Services STRONGLY recommends getting assessed by a physician prior to returning to any physical activity for health and safety reasons.

Cornell University Intramural Sports staff members will err on the side of safety when assessing loss of consciousness and concussions.

Signs/symptoms of a concussion may include, but are not limited to:

●       Headache

●       Nausea/Vomiting

●       Balance/Dizziness issues

●       Issues with vision

●       Light/Noise sensitivity

●       Sluggishness/drowsiness

●       Concentration/memory issues

●       Confusion or “brain fog”

V. Forfeit Procedure

On-Site Forfeiture

Forfeits are detrimental to the entire program and are an inconvenience to participants who want to play. Therefore, a forfeit procedure has been established to eliminate forfeits. In all contests, if an individual/team fails to appear or fails to have the required number of eligible, properly equipped participants at the scheduled contest time, the opposing player/team who is present will have the following options:

  1. Take the win by forfeit at that time. No contest will be played.
  2. Choose to wait no more than 10 minutes until the opponent arrives with the minimum number of participants to compete by rule. The official contest clock will start running as scheduled. The contest will commence once the opponents arrive with whatever contest time is remaining on the clock. The waiting team will be given a scoring advantage. If the opposing team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the schedule contest time, a forfeit win will be declared for the waiting team.

If neither team has the required number of players at the schedule contest time, both teams will be given 10 minutes to complete their team. No scoring advantage will be given to either team in this case.

Forfeiture & Eligibility

Teams that forfeit only once are still eligible for playoffs. A team that forfeits the equivalent of two contests will be dropped from the league without the possibility of re-entry.

The captain of a team that has forfeited out of the league may not play for another team for the remainder of the season. A player who has checked into a game for a team that has forfeited out of the league will not be eligible to play for the remainder of that season.

If a player registered for a team that forfeits out of the league, without having checked in for a game, they must contact the Intramural Sports Office to be eligible to participate in that sport on another team for the remainder of the season.

Forfeit Fee

Any team that forfeits one contest will be charged a forfeit fee. The forfeit fee amount will be the result of personnel costs for the contest that was not played. All fees will automatically appear on the captain’s bursar account. If a team calls prior to 4 pm on weekdays or emails the Director ( by 10 am on weekends prior to the day of their contest, they may default their contest. A default means the forfeit fee will not be applied and the defaulting team will still receive a loss. More than one default will equal a forfeit. Teams receiving the equivalent of 2 forfeits will not be eligible for playoffs.

VI. Eligibility

Individual Eligibility

All undergraduate and graduate students with active Cornell University identification, current faculty/staff members, and partners are eligible to participate in Intramurals. Participants retain this status until they withdraw, graduate, take a leave of absence, or fail to comply with eligibility rules or other guidelines.

CUIM encourages participants to participate in the league of which they are most comfortable playing in. Further, CUIM does not tolerate exclusion, bullying, or harassment of an individual due to their gender identity. All participants are free to participate in accordance with their gender identity, including the single-gender league which they feel most comfortable with and will not be required to disclose this information with CUIM in order to participate in intramural sports. Only undergraduate students with Greek Life affiliation are eligible to participate in the Greek Division.

Team Affiliation Rule: Participants may play for one team in Open Competitive, one team in Open Recreational, and one team in the Women’s or Fraternity leagues for a given sport’s season. Once a participant has registered and checked-in for a team, that is their team affiliation. They may not play for another team in the same league (Open Comp, Open Rec, Women’s or Frat) during that season. Individuals found to have played for multiple teams are subject to disciplinary procedures in Section IX. Individuals who appear on a roster, have not yet played for that team, but who register on-site and play for another team will be assumed to have switched teams. Individuals may switch teams one time per sport. They will become affiliated with this new team, and no longer be eligible to participate for their original team.[1] 

Current Varsity Team Members

Varsity athletes are ineligible to compete in their sport or any related sports (i.e. current baseball players may not play softball). Any member of a varsity team who suits up for a contest/match or is listed at any time on the team’s roster is ineligible for one calendar year from their appearance on the roster. This rule also applies to athletes who have transferred to Cornell from another university or college during the current school year. Practice players and players who participated in tryouts are not considered current varsity players.

Ex-Varsity Athletes

Only one ex-varsity letter winner is eligible to be on an intramural team’s roster for each sport in which the student lettered. This rule includes the holder of a current varsity letter at a university or senior college other than Cornell University. Ex-Varsity athletes must be at least one year removed from a varsity roster in order to compete in Intramural Sports.

Ex: A varsity basketball player listed for the 2021-2022 season roster and then drops from the roster prior to or after the end of the season is NOT eligible for IMs during the remainder of the 2021-2022 season and the 2022-2023 academic year.

Professional and Elite Athletes

Anyone who has competed in a sport on a professional level can compete if they are more than five years removed from a professional roster.

Club Sport Athletes

Club members are defined as those persons who have: participated in practices and/or contests with the team during the current academic year, are paying dues to the club, and/or listed as a member of the club on the sport club roster. Lists of sport club players are provided by the Office of Student and Campus Life. All questions regarding listings should be directed to that office.

Club members are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports. Teams are limited to the following numbers for club sport players:

·        Two (2) club players TOTAL on the team for Open Competitive, Women’s, and Fraternity league teams.

·        One (1) club player TOTAL on the team for Open Recreational

Roster Restrictions

Once a player has been added to a roster, they may only play for that team for the remainder of that sport, league, or tournament. Participants may only play on:

·        1 (one) Open Recreation team

·        1 (one) Open Competitive team, and

·        1 (one) Women’s team/Fraternity team


Open Recreational teams may bring in other players to substitute for their intramural team if they choose to do so. These substitutes will not be added to the roster and must sign a waiver prior to participating. 

Open Competitive, Women's, and Fraternity leagues may not bring substitutes to play with their teams, once a player is on one of these leagues rosters they may not participate with another team in the same league. Players are added to the roster once they have played their first game with a team. 

Playoff Eligibility

For individuals on a team to be eligible for playoffs, the following must be met:

  1. All team members are registered on IMLeagues
  2. All team members must have participated in one in-season game

If a team member does not appear on the IMLeagues roster, the team captain may denote this on the score sheet on-site, and the Intramural Sports office will check for eligibility.  If the team member is found eligible, the office will add the player to the team’s IMLeagues roster.  If the team member is found ineligible, sanctions found in Section IX will apply.

It is the captain’s responsibility to know the status of all team members while participating in Intramural Sports.  Cornell Recreational Services reserves the right to rule on the eligibility of any participant and take appropriate disciplinary action. When necessary, Cornell Recreational Services will investigate any properly protested cases (see Section VII), and handle them according to the policies and procedures.

VII. Protest Procedure

It is the strong belief of this department that contests should be won or lost on the field of play, not through the technicalities of the rules. The intramural staff will resolve all disputes. Teams or individuals may file a protest concerning the misapplication of rules and/or policies as well as individual/team eligibility. Matters involving the judgment of an official are not a basis for protest.

Protest Requisites

  1. For rules misinterpretations, the captain of a protesting team is required to make the protest to the officials in charge of the contest prior to the next resumption of play. Once play has resumed, a protest will not be valid.  Forms can be obtained from the on-site supervisor. These protests may be resolved on field or by the CUIM Sports Office.
  2. For eligibility protests, the team captain has until 4pm the day after the game in question to protest.  Captains can obtain forms from the on-site supervisor, or e-mail if the protest occurs after the contest and before the deadline.
  3. The officials are responsible for notifying the intramural supervisor, who will note the contest situation so that the contest may be replayed from that point, in the event the protest is upheld.
  4. All protests (including eligibility) must be made in writing to Cornell Recreational Services by the protesting team’s captain.  On-site supervisors will assist in filling out the form if there are any questions.

The Director of Intramural Sports will investigate and rule on the protest. The decision will be final.

VIII. Sporting Behavior & Conduct

Positive sporting behavior is a cornerstone of a quality intramural experience. We value positive sporting behavior from our participants.

Personal & Team Sporting Behavior Rating

The determining factor for team and player eligibility will be accumulation of unsporting acts and penalties during the sports’ season. Any acquisition of an unsporting behavior foul during a contest will be added to an individual’s and team’s sporting behavior total for the activity’s season.

A “2, 3, 4, 5” method is used to determine eligibility. The following will be in effect for the activity’s season:

  • The accumulation of TWO (2) unsporting behavior fouls in a game will result in the ejection of the individual from the game, and procedures outlined in the “Ejections” section.
  • The accumulation of THREE (3) total unsporting behavior fouls during an activity’s season will result in the dismissal of the individual from the activity for the remainder of its season.
  • The accumulation of FOUR (4) unsporting behavior fouls accumulated by a team during a game will result in the team forfeiting the contest.
  • The accumulation of FIVE (5) total unsporting behavior fouls by the team’s individual participants during an activity’s season will result in the dismissal of the team from the activity for the remainder of the season.

Accumulations of unsporting behavior fouls do not reset during playoffs. If an individual or team meets the prior criteria during playoffs, they may be subject to dismissal during playoffs.

Additional actions may be taken depending upon the infractions outlined in Section IX., Disciplinary Procedures.

Unsporting Behavior

  1. Positive sporting behavior is required of all participants. Players, coaches, and spectators are to conduct themselves properly at all times.
  2. Unsporting behavior before, during and/or after a contest will not be tolerated. The team captains are expected to assist the department staff and will assume full responsibility for the conduct of the team and spectators.
  3. Any player, fan, or coach who has to be removed or ejected from a contest or playing area for behavior of an unsporting nature is automatically ineligible from further competition and will be suspended for any major infractions. (See “Section IX:  Disciplinary Procedures for unsporting behavior infractions)
  4. Notification of disciplinary action will be sent to the individual, team captain, and other university departments, such as Office of Student Conduct and Community Affairs, as necessary.


All ejected players must leave the playing area/facility when ejected.

  1. If it is inside a building, ejected players must leave the building completely, and may not linger outside the building.
  2. If at an outdoor field, ejected players must be “out of sight, out of sound”.  This means the ejected player must not be seen nor heard from the field.
  3. If the player refuses to leave within five minutes, the contest will be forfeited and the team captain is held accountable. The ejected individual will receive three (3) unsporting behavior fouls toward their individual total, and the team will receive four (4) unsporting behavior fouls toward their team total. The decision of an official or intramural staff member to eject a player or spectator for any unsporting behavior (verbal or physical) will be firmly upheld by Cornell Recreational Services. Protests of this type will not be accepted. Absolutely no exceptions.

Cornell University Intramural Sports and Recreational Services reserves the right to suspend or disqualify groups or individuals for unsporting behavior at any time, circumventing the prior procedures, if the behavior of teams and individuals warrants that action.

Harassment Policy

Cornell University prohibits its faculty, staff, students, and affiliates from engaging in any form of prohibited discrimination or protected-status (including sexual) harassment, and expects these individuals to refrain from committing acts of bias within the university’s jurisdiction.

It is Cornell Recreational Services’ goal to foster a climate of courtesy and mutual respect between employees and participants. We align our policies with those set forth by the University. Any harassment toward a department employee or participant will subject the individual and/or team to University disciplinary procedures.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Individuals, teams, and spectators who arrive intoxicated, suspected of consuming or possessing alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other controlled or illegal substances will not be permitted to play and will be asked to leave the playing area. The contest may be forfeited and the offending individual(s) immediately suspended. Cornell Recreational Services will not tolerate such behavior and will act in a manner that is prudent, with the safety of all participants the priority. Such individuals will be given three (3) unsporting behavior fouls toward their personal and team total for the activity, a minimum of a 365-day suspension and will be subject to University disciplinary procedures.  When in doubt, the Supervisor and officials will err on the side of safety and will be fully backed by Cornell Recreational Services and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards on decisions regarding disallowing participation under this policy.

IX. Disciplinary Procedures

Major Infractions

The following are major infractions of the Cornell University Intramural Sports Conduct Code:

  1. Any individual disqualified from a contest for addressing an official, another player, or other program personnel in an unsporting manner: suspended from competition for a minimum of their next scheduled contest. (minimum 2 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
  2. Anyone endangering the welfare of another: immediate disqualification and ejection.  In addition, the individual will be suspended from competition for a minimum of their next two scheduled contests. (minimum 2 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
  3. Anyone flagrantly endangering the welfare of another: immediate disqualification. In addition, the individual will be suspended from competition for the remainder of that sport season (minimum), semester, or 365 days, and the individual may be reported to University Judicial Affairs depending on the severity of the incident. (minimum 3 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
  4. Anyone flagrantly offending program personnel and participants, verbally, physically, or in writing: suspension from all intramural sports for a minimum of 365 days. In addition, the individual may be reported to University Judicial Affairs. (minimum 3 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
  5. Anyone becoming involved in a fight: immediate disqualification.  In addition, the individual will be suspended from further competition for 365 days. “They hit me first” or “I was just defending myself” are not acceptable excuses for fighting. (minimum 3 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
  6. Cheating: Any individual who is responsible for cheating will be suspended from competition according to the following guidelines:
    • Playing for multiple teams and violating any eligibility rules:
      • 1st Offense – The second team they check in for will forfeit the match the individual participated in. In addition, the individual will be placed on probation for 365 days. (minimum 1 unsporting behavior foul towards their individual and team totals)
      • 2nd Offense – The individual will be indefinitely suspended, which may carry over to the next sport season or semester. (minimum 3 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
    • Playing while under suspension:  365 days from all Intramural Sports. (minimum 2 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)
    • Using someone else’s ID, allowing another person to use one’s own ID, playing under a false name, allowing another person to use someone else’s ID, or allowing a suspended player to participate: 365 days from all Intramural Sports. Falsifying identification in any way will result in confiscation of suspected ID and will also be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and Registrar Office, no exceptions. (minimum 3 unsporting behavior fouls towards their individual and team totals)

Additional Procedures

  1. If a team is responsible for being involved in a cheating incident, the entire team may be placed on probation. Depending on the severity of the incident, the team may not be eligible for playoffs or may be removed from the league.
  2. During a suspension, a contest forfeited by the suspended player’s team will not count as a contest served for the suspension.
  3. While under suspension, individuals are not allowed to participate in any Intramural Sports (exception: refer to Major Infractions F. I.).
  4. In cases occurring late in the sport season or the academic year, a suspension may carry over into the next sport or intramural/school year.
  5. After reinstatement, anyone involved in a second offense will be suspended from competition for one full calendar year (365 days). Depending on the severity of the incident(s), the individual(s) may be reported to the appropriate University disciplinary office to determine if a violation of the Campus Code of Conduct has occurred.
  6. All suspended players must meet with the Director of Intramural Sports to discuss their case. It is each individual’s responsibility to contact our office at (607) 255-8063 for a meeting.
  7. In addition to the above guidelines, the team will forfeit all contests in which an ineligible player participated.

Cornell University Intramural Sports and Recreational Services reserves the right to assign additional unsporting behavior fouls to individuals and teams for egregious behavior not outlined in the prior infractions stated, including dismissal of individuals and/or teams from leagues, and referral to the appropriate University disciplinary office.

X. Intramural Format

Playoffs and Tie-Breaking Procedures

In determining seeding for the playoffs, the following system will be used to rank teams:

  1. Intramural points earned for the sport
    • When Computing points for win/loss record, the following system will be used:
      • Win = 3 points
      • Tie = 1 point
      • Loss = 0 points
      • Forfeit = -1 point
  2. Head to head
  3. Sporting behavior rating (# of cumulative unsporting behaviors)
  4. Total point differential for all contests
  5. Coin Flip


The following are the leagues available for intramural sport activities at Cornell University:


  • Participants of all gender identities are eligible to compete in this league.
  • Fraternities registered with the University as a member of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic Council (PHC) or Multicultural Greek Letter Council (MGLC).
  • Greek teams must have the organization they are representing present in their team name.
  • Players must be a registered pledge or active member.
  • Registered pledges can only play with the organization they have originally registered with for the year.
  • Alumni (defined as former students who have graduated as undergraduates), all grad students, and spouses are not eligible to participate in the Greek division. The Greek division is for undergraduates only.

Open Competitive

  • Participants of all gender identities are eligible to compete in this league.
  • Designed to promote healthy competition among participants.
  • Eligible teams in this division will participate in a playoff bracket at the end of the season.

Open Recreation

  • Participants of all gender identities are eligible to compete in this league.
  • Designed with an emphasis on social interaction and development.
  • Teams will not participate in a playoff bracket and will instead have an extended regular season. 


  • League designed to promote participation in sports from those who identify as women (transgender and cisgender).
  • Sororities registered with the University as a member of the IFC, PHC, or MGLC will fall under this league.
  • Eligible teams in this league will participate in a playoff bracket at the end of the season.

XI. All-Sports Championship

Championship Scoring

To encourage participation and achievement throughout the entire academic year, Intramural Sports offers the opportunity for teams to earn points towards this system. Keep the same team name for each sport that you play and you can earn points for participation. Points will be awarded according to the following:

  • Participation Points Per Sport = 50 (sport seasons), 20 (individual, dual, one day)
    • Win = 10
    • Tie = 7
    • Loss = 5
    • Default = 0
    • Forfeit = -10
    • 1st Place in League = 30
    • 2nd Place = 15
    • 3rd Place = 10
    • 4th Place = 8
    • 5th Place = 5
    • 6th Place = 3

The team must finish the regular season to receive participation and All Sports Championship points.

Participation points are only given once to each team/individual for each event, regardless of how many teams/players are participating in the event.

If a team with the same name signs up multiple teams in that sport and any one of those teams forfeits out of the league without finishing the regular season, that team name will not receive participation points for that sport.

Each group may enter as many teams or individuals as they want in all sports with the same team name. However only two teams for intramural sports seasons, top four teams for one-day team events, or top six (6) finishers in the individual/dual events will receive points towards the All Sports Championship.

Additional Information

Contact for Intramural Sports Office

  • Address: 106 Noyes Community Recreation Center, 306 West Avenue
  • Email: