Flag Football Rules
- Describe it.
- All games will be played in the fields located Jessup Fields.
- This is a team activity with seven players per team playing on the field.
- Open Rec teams will receive two additional regular season games.
- There are no playoffs or t-shirt prizes for Open Rec
- Teams will be placed in a round-robin pool play for the regular season.
- The top half from each pool will be placed into a single-elimination playoff bracket.
Officials and Staff
- On-site personnel and professional staff reserve the right to rule on situations not specified in the rulebook or IM Participant Handbook when safety and sporting behavior are involved.
- The officials have absolute control of the game. Their decision will be final and are not to be disputed by members of either team.
- Any participant that refuses to abide by Intramural Sport rules, policies, or instructions from Intramural Student and Professional Staff cannot participate and may be removed from the playing area.
- All individuals must have an active ID from Cornell University, overseen at Day Hall.
- Club Players - No team may have more than
- One (1) club player on an Open Rec team
- Two (2) club players on an Open Comp, Fraternity, or Women's team
- All individuals may play on:
- One open competitive team
- One open recreational team, and
- One single-sex team (Women's or Fraternity)
Forfeit Procedure
If a team fails to have the required number of participants at the scheduled match time, the opposing team who is present will have the following options:
- Take the win by forfeit at that time. No contest will be played.
- Give the opponent ten (10) minutes for the minimum amount of players to arrive. The following will occur if this option is chosen:
- The official game clock will start and run as scheduled.
- The team present will immediately lead 9-0 in the game on the scoreboard and scoresheet.
- Game commences once the minimum amount of players arrive and check-in with IM Staff.
- Game will immediately start with the time remaining on the running clock.
- If the opposing team is not ready to play (having the minimum number of players here and checked in) ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game time, IM Staff will declare the game a forfeit for the waiting team.
A forfeit fee of $40 will be applied to the team captain bursar account if a team forfeits. Teams with two forfeits will be removed from the league and ineligible for playoffs.
Default Procedure
A team may default a game if the team is unable to field the minimum amount of players for their scheduled game.
- Teams can default their game by contacting the IM Sports Office prior to 4:00pm the day of their game.
- Email: intramurals@cornell.edu
- Phone: (607) 255-9592
- All teams have one default per season per activity. Using a second or subsequent default will be counted as a forfeit.
- Defaults will not be rescheduled, and teams using a default will have the game count as a loss.
- A default will not be charged a forfeit fee.
General Rules
- Proper attire must be worn for intramural sport activities. Items that may not be worn during activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Head gear including hard-billed hats, visors, and bandanas with exposed knots.
- Jewelry other than nose studs and ear studs (TAPED JEWELRY is NOT acceptable)
- Casts and exposed metal braces.
- Any clothing or items that may be deemed potentially injurious or advantageous.
- Religious and medical identifications/devices must be approved by the Director of Intramural Sports prior to the contest, and must be secured.
- Director of Intramural Sports: sf487@cornell.edu
- Players bleeding or that have blood on clothing will be prohibited from participation until appropriate measured have been administrated.
Specific Rules
The 2023-2024 NIRSA Touch & Flag Football Rulebook will prevail on rules not discussed within this section.
- Seven players per team are allowed on the field at a time.
- A minimum of FOUR players is necessary to begin and continue play.
- Teams can finish with less due to an injury or other reasons.
- Unlimited substitutions are permitted as long as they are done during a dead ball, in between plays, and there is no delay of game.
- No substitute shall enter during a down.
- All players must be checked in prior to playing on the field.
- Cleats may be worn to play, with the following exceptions: No metal or screw in cleats (of any kind) or five-finger shoes will be permitted. The legality of footwear is at the discretion of the Intramural Supervisor on duty.
- All players will wear the official flag belt with the flags attached in the proper locations. Shirts or jerseys must be tucked under the flag belts as well as into the shorts/pants and in no way cover or protect the flags.
- Flags must be of contrasting colors with vests/jerseys and shorts/pants.
- Ball spotters: Two soft and pliable spotters (orange and gold disks/cones) will be used to mark the offensive and defensive scrimmage line. The ball spotters will always be one yard apart.
- Each player must wear pants or shorts without any belt(s), belt loop(s), pocket(s), exposed drawstrings, or holes. Tear-away pants are illegal.
- Games will be two 20-minute halves.
- Games may be shortened if weather or other conditions interfere.
- The clock will continuously run throughout the game except for the last two minutes of the second half and time-outs.
- A team is allotted three time-outs per game (30 seconds each).
- If a team is 19 or more points ahead when the official announces the 2-minute warning for the second half or any point thereafter, the game shall be over.
- TOUCHDOWN = 6 points; SAFETY = 2 points; TRY = 1, 2 or 3 points
- When attempting a try for extra points, the offensive team must decide if they want to try for 1 point from the 3-yard line, 2 points from the 10-yard line, or 3 points from the 20-yard line. The ball becomes dead and the try ends when the defense secures possession.
- The player scoring the touchdown must raise their arms so the nearest official can deflag the player. If the player is not deflagged with one pull and the official determines the flag belt has been secured illegally, the touchdown is disallowed. The player is disqualified. Penalty: Personal Foul, 10 yards from the previous spot and loss of down.
- After a try, the ball shall be snapped by the opponent of the scoring team at their 14-yard line, unless moved by a penalty.
- After a safety, the ball shall be snapped by the scoring team at their 30-yard line, unless moved by penalty.
- TIE GAME: During regular season pool play there will be no overtime. In the case of a game ending in a tie score during the playoffs, the two field captains shall be brought together and a coin will be flipped to determine the option. The winner of the toss shall be given the option of offense, defense, or direction. Both teams will go in the same direction. Each team will be given four (4) downs from the same 10-yard line. The object will be to score a touchdown. If the first team scores a touchdown, the second team will still have four (4) downs to try to score.
- Extra points will also be attempted as normal. Each team is entitled to one time-out only for all overtime periods.
- If the defensive team intercepts the ball, the ball is dead and the series is over. The ball will be theirs and placed on the 10-yard line, where they may attempt to win. If the game remains tied after this procedure, it will be repeated until the tie is broken.
- Start of each half will begin by placing the ball on the 14-yard line, unless moved by penalty.
- The captain winning the coin toss shall have a choice of options for the first half or shall defer their option to the second half. The options for each half shall be:
- Offense,
- Defense,
- Which goal to defend.
- The captain, not having the first choice of options for a half, shall exercise the remaining options.
- On offense, you must have at least the snapper on the line of scrimmage at the snap. All players must be inbounds. All players are eligible to receive passes. Penalty: Illegal Procedure, 5 yards
- To gain a first down, the ball must be advanced to or beyond the next zone line to gain, regardless of where the series originated, within 4 downs. Exception: In case a penalty moves the ball back into another 20-yard zone, the line to gain for a first down is from the original spot marked.
- The center (snapper) may not run with the ball, but is eligible for a pass. The player who receives the snap must be at least two yards behind the offensive scrimmage line. Direct snaps within 2 yards of the offensive scrimmage line are illegal. Penalty: Illegal Formation, 5 yards
- A receiver may receive a ball or a defensive player may intercept a pass even if their flag has accidentally dropped off, and either may advance the ball. (See Rule K - Removing the flag belt)
- Motion: One offensive player may be in motion, but not in motion toward the opponent’s goal line at the snap. Other offensive players must be stationary in their positions without movement of the feet, hand, head, or arms. Penalty: Illegal Motion, 5 yards
- The ball carrier must run to avoid defenders. The ball carrier may not stiff-arm an opponent, nor create contact to “run over” a defender or elude a flag pull. The runner may attempt to maneuver between or around defenders when trapped along the sidelines.
- It is legal for a defensive player to dive when removing a flag belt.
- Both lines may assume a two, three, or four-point stance. The offensive linemen must be set for one full second before the snap.
- If the ball carrier or passer falls to the ground (any part of their body besides the hands/feet touching), he or she is down at that spot, and may not resume play.
- After the official marks the ball ready for play, the offense has 25 seconds to snap the ball. Penalty: Delay of Game, 5 yards
- Any time on or after the ball is marked ready for play, each offensive player must momentarily be at least 5 yards inbounds before the snap. Penalty: Illegal Procedure, 5 yards
- The offensive screen block shall take place without contact. The screen blocker shall have their hands and arms at their side or behind their back. Any use of the hands, arms, elbows, legs, or body to initiate contact during an offensive player’s screen block is illegal. A blocker may use their hand or arm to break a fall or to retain their balance. A player must be on their feet before, during, and after screen blocking.
- Teammates of a runner or passer may interfere for them by screen blocking, but shall not use interlocked interference by grasping or encircling one another in any manner.
- Defensive players must go around the offensive player’s screen block. The arms and hands may not be used as a wedge to contact the opponent. The application of this rule depends entirely on the judgment of the official.
- Penalty on illegal blocking plays: Personal Foul: Illegal Contact, 10 yards
- Interlocked Blocking
- Teammates of a runner may legally screen block, but they shall not use interlocked blocking, such as grasping a teammate or encircling an opponent in any manner
- Penalty: Interlocked Blocking, 10 yards
- The ball may be passed forward only once per down and must originate from behind the scrimmage line.
- It may be passed backward or laterally as many times as desired on any one play until the ball becomes dead.
- Forward passes are not permitted on punts or interceptions of forward passes.
- ROUGHING THE PASSER: Defensive players must make a definite effort to avoid charging into a passer after it is clear the ball has been thrown forward legally. No defensive player shall contact the passer who is standing still or fading back as he is considered out of play after the pass. Roughing the passer restrictions do not apply if the forward pass is thrown from beyond the scrimmage line (first ball spotter-orange). Penalty: Roughing the Passer, 10 yards from previous spot, or from the end of the run (if the pass is completed), automatic first down.
- One foot must be in-bounds when a catch is made and before the other foot touches out-of-bounds for a legal catch.
- A receiver who voluntarily steps out of bounds before or during their pass route loses eligibility for that play. If a receiver is pushed out of bounds, they must come back in before making a play at the first available opportunity. In addition, a penalty may be assessed or the pass completed, or both.
- If a player fumbles/laterals the ball backwards, it is dead and will be marked at the point it touches the ground.
- If a player fumbles the ball forward, it is dead and will be marked at the point of release of the fumble.
- Touching the ball, whether controlled or not, with the ball hitting the ground, is considered a fumble.
- Example: A dropped hike or a lateral.
- A ball fumbled into the air may be intercepted and advanced by any player.
- Prior to making the ball ready for play on fourth down, the official must ask the offensive team captain if they want to punt. The official must communicate this decision to the defensive captain and the other officials. After such announcement, the ball must be kicked. Once the offense has declared to punt the captain must call a time-out to change their option.
- Neither the kicking nor receiving team may advance beyond their respective scrimmage line until the ball is kicked. Penalty: Illegal Procedure, 5 yards penalty enforced depending on situation
- After receiving the snap, the kicker must kick the ball immediately and in a continuous motion. Penalty: Illegal Procedure, 5 yards penalty enforced depending on situation
- When the flag belt is clearly taken from the runner in possession of the ball, the ball is declared dead and the down shall end. A player who removes the flag belt from the runner should immediately hold the flag belt above their head. If a flag belt inadvertently falls to the ground, a one-hand tag between the shoulders and knees constitutes capture.
- In an attempt to remove the flag belt from a runner, defensive players may contact the body and shoulders, but not the face, neck or any part of the head of an opponent with their hands. NOTE: If contact on the body and shoulders is deemed excessive and/or disadvantageous by the officials, it may be flagged for illegal contact (10-yard penalty).
- A defensive player may not hold, push, or knock the runner down in an attempt to remove the flag belt.
- Penalty: Illegal Contact, 10 yards from the end of the run
- Runners shall not flag guard by using their hands, arms, or the ball to cause contact between the runner and the opponent that denies the opponent the opportunity to pull or remove the flag belt. Flag guarding includes, but is not limited to:
- Swinging the hand or arm over the flag belt to prevent an opponent from deflagging. NOTE: If your “natural running motion”, in regards to arm-swing, impedes flag-belt removal, it is considered a flag-guard.
- Placing the ball in possession over the flag belt to prevent an opponent from deflagging.
- Lowering the shoulders in such a manner that places the arm over the flag belt to prevent an opponent from deflagging.
- There must be contact for a flag guard to occur. If no contact occurs during a flag pull attempt, there can be no flag guarding.
- Penalty: Flag Guarding, 10 yards
- The runner shall be prohibited from contacting an opponent with an extended hand or arm. This includes the use of a “stiff arm” extended to ward off an opponent attempting to deflag/tag. Penalty: Personal Foul, Illegal Contact 10 yards
- Pass Interference:
- By offense - 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
- By defense - 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
- Pass interference can include pushing or shoving the player out of bounds while in route and intentionally removing the flag belt before the catch while the ball is in flight.
- Five Yard Penalties
- Delay of Game, Disconcerting Act, Encroachment, False Start, Illegal Formation, Intentional Grounding, Illegal Forward Pass, Intentional Forward Fumble, Failure to Wear Proper Equipment. All of these penalties will be marked from the original line of scrimmage except:
- Intentional Grounding- Point of infraction and loss of down.
- Illegal Forward Pass- Point of infraction and loss of down.
- Delay of Game, Disconcerting Act, Encroachment, False Start, Illegal Formation, Intentional Grounding, Illegal Forward Pass, Intentional Forward Fumble, Failure to Wear Proper Equipment. All of these penalties will be marked from the original line of scrimmage except:
- Ten Yard Penalties (contact and unsporting acts):
- Illegal use of hands, forearms, or elbows, offensive or defensive holding, intentional batting/kicking flag guarding, leaving the feet (foot) on a block, roughing the passer, stiff-arming, wedge blocking and/or clipping. All of these penalties are marked from the basic spot of enforcement, according to the all-but-one principle.
- Gross unsporting conduct, intentional or flagrant foul:
- The person(s) charged with gross unsporting conduct, intentional or flagrant foul may be removed from the game and Intramural suspensions will be enacted.
Sporting Behavior Points
Sporting behavior ratings will be determined by the accumulation of unsporting acts and penalties for individuals and teams during the activities' season. Any acquisition of unsporting behavior conduct fouls during a contest will be added to an individual's and team's unsporting behavior foul total for the activity's season.
The following will be in effect for the activity:
- The accumulation of TWO (2) unsporting behavior conduct fouls in a game by an individual will result in the ejection of the individual from the game, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of THREE (3) total unsporting behavior conduct fouls by an individual during an activity's season will result in the dismissal of the individual from the activity for the remainder of the season, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of FOUR (4) unsporting behavior conduct fouls by a team in a game will result in the team forfeiture of the contest, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
- The accumulation of FIVE (5) total unsporting behavior conduct fouls by a team during an activity's season will result in the dismissal of the team from the activity for the remainder of the season, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.
Accumulations of unsporting behavior conducts do not reset during playoffs.
- If an individual or team meets the prior criteria during playoffs, they will be subject to dismissal during playoffs.
Additional actions may be taken depending upon the infractions outlined in Section IX., Disciplinary Procedures, as outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook.