Library of Workshops and Presentations
Find video recordings of many workshops and presentations that have been offered by Cornell Career Services.
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Mastering Applications to Graduate School
Presented by: Greg Foster
Join us for a discussion of best practices for successfully applying to graduate school.
Presentation Date:
Graduate School
Summer Chat Series: Introduction to Fellowships
Presented by: Beth Fiori
If you are planning on grad school in the US or abroad, consider fellowships that would pay for a year or more of study. Fall is the time to apply, so join Cornell's fellowships advisor, Beth Fiori, for an introduction to resources for finding awards and pointers on preparing strong applications.
Presentation Date:
Summer Chat Series: Job Offer Considerations & Negotiations
Presented by: Kimberlee Swartz
Your offer is more than your salary, and your job is more than the content of what you do. What factors should be considered when offered an internship or full-time job? This workshop will touch on key points of negotiation for absolute beginners as well as provide some insightful tips for those who are experienced negotiators. If the thought of negotiating intimidates you, come! Learn about how to navigate an offer letter, how to assess an offer (it’s not just the salary), and how to compare offers. We’ll also discuss how your social identities may impact your comfort with or approach to the negotiation process.
Presentation Date:
Job or Internship Search
Summer Chat Series: Behavioral Interviewing
Presented by: Mia Ferraina
Whether you have an upcoming interview or are just trying to get ahead of the game, this session can help you be prepared! We’ll share the many good strategies to prepare for behavioral interviews. You will also learn what to do the day of and afterwards to make the most memorable impression possible.
Presentation Date:
Resumes and Interview Prep
Make the Most of Your Summer
Presented by: Kay Lewis
Whether you have a formal experience (internship, research, long term volunteering, etc.) or not, you can harness the opportunity to further your career development this summer! Today's session will include resources for career exploration, how to network and have informational interviews, utilizing LinkedIn and CUeLINKS, and brainstorming alternative ideas to gain new knowledge and skills.
Presentation Date:
Job or Internship Search
How to be a Successful & Responsible Intern
Presented by: Mia Ferraina
This session is intended for students who have a summer position (job, internship, research, etc.) and are trying to maximize their experience. We'll cover questions like: What is “professionalism” in a remote work environment? How can I make sure my supervisor and I have clear communication? How can I harness the power of remote networking tools like LinkedIn and CUeLINKS? What questions might I ask to maximize my learning and professional growth? Who can help if I am struggling during the summer? How might this internship impact my future goals?
Presentation Date:
Job or Internship Search
Finding Inclusive Employers: Alumni Tips & Current Trends
Presented by: Mia Ferraina, Dara Riegel
When you are searching for a job or internship, how can you tell whether an employer truly means what they say about valuing diversity and inclusion? Alumni will share both their personal experiences and their perspectives implementing DEI initiatives in their professional work. This session covers how to analyze information on employers' websites and in the news, ask equity-related questions during interviews and networking, and assess employers’ identity-focused practices.
Presentation Date:
Job or Internship Search
Transferable Skills: Social Justice Edition
Presented by: Mia Ferraina
Wondering how you can market your skills from volunteering or activism to a future employer or graduate program? Join us for this session to learn about "transferable skills" and practice explaining your valuable experiences, no matter what career path you’re pursuing. Examples will be tailored to people doing activism or community engagement work, but all are welcome to attend.
Presentation Date:
Career Paths
Preparing Now for Graduate School Later
Presented by: Greg Foster, Pre-Law and Graduate School Advisor
Join our discussion about the path to graduate school. Become familiar with the timetable for the graduate school application process and learn about the steps required for application to most graduate or professional programs.
Presentation Date:
Graduate School
Non-Academic Job Search Resources for Positions in and Outside of the U.S.
Presented by: Caleb Yu
Are you a graduate student or post-doc? Are you graduating soon and are considering career options beyond academia? Are you wondering if there are jobs outside of the U.S. that you might be interested in? Do you have questions about where to start the process? Come join us in a session to discuss resources and tips for your job search for the positions both in and outside of the U.S.
Presentation Date:
Job or Internship Search