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Summer Chat Series: Job Offer Considerations & Negotiations

Presentation Date
Presented by:
Kimberlee Swartz
Presentation Category
Job or Internship Search

Description: Your offer is more than your salary, and your job is more than the content of what you do. What factors should be considered when offered an internship or full-time job? This workshop will touch on key points of negotiation for absolute beginners as well as provide some insightful tips for those who are experienced negotiators. If the thought of negotiating intimidates you, come! Learn about how to navigate an offer letter, how to assess an offer (it’s not just the salary), and how to compare offers. We’ll also discuss how your social identities may impact your comfort with or approach to the negotiation process.

Learn more in the Job Offers and Negotiation module (sign in required).

Presentation Materials
Transcript (40.04 KB)