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Cornell University

Big 5 Assessment (CANOE)

The Big Five personality traits are all about the following question: “Who are you?”


It’s a simple enough question, but it’s one of the hardest ones to answer. The big five personality traits are the best accepted and commonly used model of personality in academic psychology. The tool measures an individual’s personality in the areas of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness to experience, and Extroversion. We will use this validated and generally accepted personality assessment to help start your journey to self-discovery and personal growth.

Team Trainings

Complete the online assessment and then take part in a team training to apply what you learned and take steps to develop your strengths and weaknesses within the 5 personality traits.

  • Understand how others may perceive you

  • Build on your strengths to meet your goals and advance your career
  • Improve personal relationships
  • Reduce conflict

This module can be custom fit to your goals. Your group will do a self-assessment prior to the program. We'll debrief the results of the assessment together and from there, we encourage your group to take part in a 1-2 hour portable program where we'll see the Big 5 personality traits in action!

Check out a sample report from the Big 5 Assessment! (1.09 MB)