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Cornell University

Nutrition Resources

Cornell Dining offers detailed nutrition information online for several of our cafés.

Check out Cornell Dining's NetNutrition page for allergens, look for vegetarian or vegan options, view the nutrition info for a single item, or build a meal and see the nutrient totals.

Collaborative Health & Eating Program

Students are invited to take advantage of the Cornell Health Dietitians for additional individualized nutrition counseling, and for assistance and support when struggling with an eating problem. You may reach a CHEP counselor at (607)255-5155.

Consult our Team

Michelle Nardi,
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Clara Matton,
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Katie Flatt,
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Phone: 607-254-2389
Office: 108A Appel Commons 
Meet: Schedule a Meeting with us

Eating Well with Cornell Dining logo in a stylized apple symbol
The Menus of Change University Research Collaborative Logo
Vegetables falling into a wooden salad bowl with text "have you had your 5 today?"