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Cornell University

Staff & Faculty Meal Plans

MealChoice is the meal plan designed exclusively for Cornell faculty and staff. Like any debit plan, MealChoice gives you convenient, cash-free access to Cornell Dining eateries, campus vending machines with card readers, and Ithaca-area restaurants participating in City Bucks. All full-time faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in this program. Simply add money to your account to begin saving!

In addition to adding funds to your MealChoice account through the account management system, Awardco points received through the Appreciation Portal can now also be redeemed for MealChoice credit. 

Staff and faculty may also add dollars to MealChoice accounts with a check in person at Hasbrouck Service Center or WCHS house offices on West Campus.

What does MealChoice give you?

  • $7.50 Lunch – You pay only $7.50 for Lunch (Monday-Friday) at any of our dining rooms on campus
  • Buy 10 Get 11th Free – Ask for a punch card, and when you pay for 10 dining room lunches with MealChoice, 11th is free
  • 10% Discount – 10% off all breakfast and dinner purchases at any of our dining rooms on campus*
  • 10% Discount – 10% off all breakfast, lunch, and dinner purchases at all cafes, food courts, and coffee houses
  • City Bucks Discounts – Special-priced entrées and promotions at participating Ithaca eateries

*10% discount does not apply for Friday Shabbat dinners or Passover meals at 104West!

MealChoice Encore

  • MealChoice Encore is the meal plan designed exclusively for Cornell University retirees and Emeritus Faculty members. Like any debit plan, MealChoice Encore gives you convenient, cash-free access to Cornell Dining eateries and campus vending machines with card readers.
  • All Cornell University retirees and Emeritus Faculty members are automatically enrolled in this program. Simply add money to your account to begin saving!

What does MealChoice Encore give you?

  • $5.00 Breakfast – You pay only $5.00 for Breakfast (Monday-Friday) at any Cornell Dining dining rooms that are open during breakfast. 
  • $6.00 Lunch – You pay only $6.00 for Lunch (Monday-Friday) at any Cornell Dining dining rooms that are open during lunch. 
  • Buy 10 Lunches Get 11th Free – Ask for a punch card, and when you pay for 10 dining room lunches with MealChoice Encore, your 11th is free.
  • $10 Dinner – You pay only $10.00 for dinner (Monday - Friday) at any Cornell Dining dining rooms that are open during dinner except for Wednesday House Dinners in the West Campus Dining Rooms or for special dinner events.
  • 10% Discount – You receive a 10% discount on food and beverage purchases at Cornell Dining Retail and Convenience Store locations.  See Cafes, Food Courts, & Coffee Houses for a complete listing and hours.
  • MealChoice Encore is not only available at all Cornell Dining dining room, Retail and Convenience Store locations, it is also available at Mac's Cafe and the Terrace Restaurant in the Statler Hotel.
  • MealChoice Encore can be used at any card-reading vending machine on campus.
  • Weekend meals are available at regular door prices for each location.  Please note that meal prices can vary by location.
  • Special dinner events at Cornell Dining locations are available at the special dinner door prices.
  • Shabbat Dinner, Super Sedar, and other special meals at 104West! are available at their respective door prices (same discounts apply in regard to reservations.)
  • Deposits to the MealChoice Encore meal plan are accepted at our service centers in Robert Purcell Community Center, Hasbrouck Apartments, and WCHS house offices on West Campus, or online at