Checking Out Rental Van Keys
The keys to the vans are on wooden blocks hanging in the copy room of COE headquarters, the Phillips Outdoor Program Center, in the basement of Bartels Hall. (Not to be confused with Barton Hall, which is an entirely different place.)
- Locate the Posted copy of the Van Calendar, to the right of the rack of keys.
- Find the van that is assigned to your program or organization. Each van has unique name, like "Bob." Taking the wrong van is bad.
- Sign out the corresponding key block on the adjacent clipboard, legibly printing your name, contact information, and time of expected return.
- Locate your van, which is typically parked in the back of the crescent lot near the band building. If the vans are not there, they may have been moved to the Oxley lot next to the Humphries Service Building, if a large event (like Homecoming) requires their spaces.
- Locate the clipboard in the center console with a paper mileage log. Be sure to record the date, your name, the event or organization using the van, and the starting and ending mileage.
When you are done with the van, please back it into one of the reserved spots in the crescent lot and return the keys to the copy room. You can do this even after business hours because the van keys also include keys to the building and the Phillips Outdoor Program Center. Note the sign in time on the clipboard log.
If you have any difficulties call Mark on his cell phone: 607-592-4576