Backpacking and Camping (COE) - Spring 2025
PE 1601 - Backcountry Cooking
Tired of only eating Ramen on trips? Do you wonder about the difference between powdered cheese and real cheese? Ever wanted to learn how to make true gourmet food in the field? This course will introduce students to gourmet skills that can be used in the backcountry.
1 CR S/U NoAud See sections for start dates.
12366 LEC 001
05:00PM - 07:00PM
04/09/2025 - 04/09/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
04/13/2025 - 04/20/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
09:00AM - 12:00PM
04/26/2025 - 04/27/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
Course fee: $375. The first class meeting will be held on campus in Bartels Hall, room B01. Other classes will first meet at Bartels Hall and then travel to other areas around Ithaca, NY. Transportation is provided. Drop Deadline: Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Students will be responsible for the course fee and assessed a $50 administrative fee if they do not drop by the deadline. For policies pertaining to Cornell Outdoor Education courses, including the Fee Waiver Application for a free or reduced course, please visit
PE 1610 - Backpacking in the Finger Lakes
Escape from campus to explore the glens, gorges, wooded hills, waterfalls, vistas and trails of the Finger Lakes region. Learn basic outdoor living skills, including hiking, navigation, equipment selection and use, camping, backcountry cooking, and safety.
1 CR S/U NoAud See sections for start dates.
12363 LEC 001
05:00PM - 07:00PM
03/05/2025 - 03/19/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
10:00AM - 04:30PM
03/08/2025 - 03/08/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
10:00AM - 12:00PM
03/15/2025 - 03/16/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
03/21/2025 - 03/23/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
Course fee: $395. The first class meeting will be held on campus in Bartels Hall, room B01. Other classes will first meet at Bartels Hall and then travel to other areas around Fingerlakes region. Transportation will be provided. Drop Deadline: Monday, January 21, 2025. Students will be responsible for the course fee and assessed a $50 late drop fee if they do not drop by the deadline. For policies pertaining to Cornell Outdoor Education courses, please visit
1 CR S/U NoAud See sections for start dates.
12364 LEC 002
10:00AM - 04:30PM
04/12/2025 - 04/12/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
05:00PM - 07:00PM
04/09/2025 - 04/23/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
10:00AM - 12:00PM
04/19/2025 - 04/20/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
04/25/2025 - 04/27/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
Course fee: $395. The first class meeting will be held on campus in Bartels Hall, room B01. Other classes will first meet at Bartels Hall and then travel to other areas around Fingerlakes region. Transportation is provided. Drop Deadline: Monday, January 21, 2025. Students will be responsible for the course fee and assessed a $50 late drop fee if they do not drop by the deadline. For policies pertaining to Cornell Outdoor Education courses, please visit
1 CR S/U NoAud See sections for start dates.
12453 LEC 003
10:00AM - 04:30PM
04/12/2025 - 04/12/2025
05:00PM - 07:00PM
04/09/2025 - 04/23/2025
04/19/2025 - 04/20/2025
04/25/2025 - 04/27/2025
Course fee: $395. The first class meeting will be held on campus in Bartels Hall, room B01. Other classes will first meet at Bartels Hall and then travel to other areas around Fingerlakes region. Transportation is provided. Drop Deadline: Monday, January 21, 2025. Students will be responsible for the course fee and assessed a $50 late drop fee if they do not drop by the deadline. For policies pertaining to Cornell Outdoor Education courses, please visit
PE 1613 - Wilderness Survival Skills
Learn what you can do to feel comfortable spending a night alone in the backcountry with limited resources. This course covers general backcountry safety, shelters, signaling, water and food procurement, navigation, and fire starting, as well as nature observation skills.
1 CR S/U NoAud See sections for start dates.
12365 LEC 001
05:00PM - 07:00PM
04/09/2025 - 04/09/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
10:00AM - 04:00PM
04/12/2025 - 04/19/2025
Leeming, C. (csl45)
04/26/2025 - 04/27/2025
Course fee: $295. The first class meeting will be held on campus in Bartels Hall, room B01. Other classes will first meet at Bartels Hall and then travel to other areas around Ithaca, NY. Class includes an overnight trip. Transportation is provided to classes off campus. Drop Deadline: Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Students will be responsible for the course fee and assessed a $50 administrative fee if they do not drop by the deadline. For policies pertaining to Cornell Outdoor Education courses, including the Fee Waiver Application for a free or reduced course, please visit